Veröffentlichung: 17. Juli 2024 Zuletzt aktualisiert: 04. März 2025

TPE Solutions for EV Charger

THERMOLAST® K is an innovative solution tailored to meet the stringent requirements of the EV vehicle sector, particularly for EV charger. 

KRAIBURG TPE's Cutting-Edge TPE Solutions for EV Charger Applications
In the rapidly evolving landscape of electric vehicle (EV) technology, every component plays a crucial role in shaping the future of sustainable transportation. Among these components, the EV charger stands as a vital link between the power grid and electric vehicles. KRAIBURG TPE, a global thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) manufacturer, is at the forefront of EV charger manufacturing with its innovative materials.


EV chargers demand materials that can withstand harsh environmental conditions, provide durability, and ensure safe and reliable performance. KRAIBURG TPE's TPE materials are uniquely positioned to meet these rigorous requirements while offering additional benefits that elevate EV charger design and functionality.


Key Material Advantages for EV Charger
THERMOLAST® K is an innovative solution tailored to meet the stringent requirements of the EV vehicle sector, particularly for EV charger. 
•    Long-Lasting Performance: The series is engineered to withstand harsh environmental conditions, making it suitable for EV charger. 
•    Excellent Adhesion: This TPE series offers excellent adhesion to polypropylene (PP), enhancing its versatility and broadening its application range in EV charger manufacturing.
•    In-Process Recycling Possible: During the production process of the TPE, waste can be recycled and reused, thereby cutting down on material waste and costs while conserving resources.
•    Regulatory Compliance: The series complies with a range of rigorous regulations, including 49 CFR §571.302 (FMVSS 302) for flammability, PV 3930 Florida for outdoor weathering, PV 3929 Kalahari for desert conditions, Outdoor Weathering Florida 24-month and Arizona 24-month standards.
•    Pre-coloration: Allowing for customized colors to meet specific design and branding requirements of the EV vehicle.


The versatility of the THERMOLAST® K series extends to various automotive applications, including roof racks, water deflectors, cowls gaskets, Active Grill Shutter (AGS), air guide elements, A/B/C/D cappings and covers, air intake duct and air filter, door opener, door trims, wheel arch liner and underbody guard.

TPE Solutions for EV Charger

THERMOLAST® K is an innovative solution tailored to meet the stringent requirements of the EV vehicle sector, particularly for EV charger. 

KRAIBURG TPE's Cutting-Edge TPE Solutions for EV Charger Applications
In the rapidly evolving landscape of electric vehicle (EV) technology, every component plays a crucial role in shaping the future of sustainable transportation. Among these components, the EV charger stands as a vital link between the power grid and electric vehicles. KRAIBURG TPE, a global thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) manufacturer, is at the forefront of EV charger manufacturing with its innovative materials.


EV chargers demand materials that can withstand harsh environmental conditions, provide durability, and ensure safe and reliable performance. KRAIBURG TPE's TPE materials are uniquely positioned to meet these rigorous requirements while offering additional benefits that elevate EV charger design and functionality.


Key Material Advantages for EV Charger
THERMOLAST® K is an innovative solution tailored to meet the stringent requirements of the EV vehicle sector, particularly for EV charger. 

  • Long-Lasting Performance: The series is engineered to withstand harsh environmental conditions, making it suitable for EV charger. 
  • Excellent Adhesion: This TPE series offers excellent adhesion to polypropylene (PP), enhancing its versatility and broadening its application range in EV charger manufacturing.
  • In-Process Recycling Possible: During the production process of the TPE, waste can be recycled and reused, thereby cutting down on material waste and costs while conserving resources.
  • Regulatory Compliance: The series complies with a range of rigorous regulations, including 49 CFR §571.302 (FMVSS 302) for flammability, PV 3930 Florida for outdoor weathering, PV 3929 Kalahari for desert conditions, Outdoor Weathering Florida 24-month and Arizona 24-month standards.
  • Pre-coloration: Allowing for customized colors to meet specific design and branding requirements of the EV vehicle.


The versatility of the THERMOLAST® K series extends to various automotive applications, including roof racks, water deflectors, cowls gaskets, Active Grill Shutter (AGS), air guide elements, A/B/C/D cappings and covers, air intake duct and air filter, door opener, door trims, wheel arch liner and underbody guard.

KRAIBURG TPE auf einen Blick

  • HQ & Produktionsstätte: Waldkraiburg / Deutschland
  • Regionale HQ & Produktionsstätten: Kuala Lumpur / Malaysia, Atlanta / USA
  • Produkte: Thermoplastische Elastomer Compounds
  • Brands: THERMOLAST®, COPEC®, HIPEX®, and For Tec E®
  • Märkte: Europa, Amerika, Asien Pazifik
  • Mitarbeiter: 660

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17.07.2024 Medienpaket EV Charger TPE Material

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