熱塑寶K(THERMOLAST® K)系列是一種創新的TPE材料解決方案,專門設計以滿足電動車領域的嚴格要求,特別是針對電動車充電器。
熱塑寶K(THERMOLAST® K)系列是一種創新的TPE材料解決方案,專門設計以滿足電動車領域的嚴格要求,特別是針對電動車充電器。
• 長期穩定性:此系列產品經過工程設計,能夠耐受惡劣的環境條件,非常適用於電動車充電器。
• 良好的包膠性能:此系列產品與PP具有良好的包膠性能,不僅增強其多樣性,而且還擴展了在電動車充電器在製造上的應用範圍。
• 可進行過程中的回收利用:在TPE材料生產過程當中,廢料可回收再利用,從而減少原材料的浪費,同時節省資源。
• 法規合規性:此系列產品符合一系列嚴格的法規要求,其中包括防燃性的49 CFR §571.302(FMVSS 302)、戶外耐候性的PV 3930 Florida標準、沙漠條件下的PV 3929 Kalahari標準,以及戶外耐候性佛羅裡達24個月和亞利桑那24個月標準。
• 預先著色:允許客製化顏色,以滿足電動車設計和品牌需求。
熱塑寶K(THERMOLAST® K)系列的多功能性延伸到各種汽車應用,其中包括車頂行李架、防水導流板、散熱器上的風擋風玻璃密封墊、主動式格柵百葉窗(AGS) 、空氣導引元件、A/B/C/D柱覆蓋件和蓋板、進氣道和空氣濾清器、門把手、門飾板、車輪拱罩內襯和底部防護板。
TPE Solutions for EV Charger
THERMOLAST® K is an innovative solution tailored to meet the stringent requirements of the EV vehicle sector, particularly for EV charger.
KRAIBURG TPE's Cutting-Edge TPE Solutions for EV Charger Applications
In the rapidly evolving landscape of electric vehicle (EV) technology, every component plays a crucial role in shaping the future of sustainable transportation. Among these components, the EV charger stands as a vital link between the power grid and electric vehicles. KRAIBURG TPE, a global thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) manufacturer, is at the forefront of EV charger manufacturing with its innovative materials.
EV chargers demand materials that can withstand harsh environmental conditions, provide durability, and ensure safe and reliable performance. KRAIBURG TPE's TPE materials are uniquely positioned to meet these rigorous requirements while offering additional benefits that elevate EV charger design and functionality.
Key Material Advantages for EV Charger
THERMOLAST® K is an innovative solution tailored to meet the stringent requirements of the EV vehicle sector, particularly for EV charger.
- Long-Lasting Performance: The series is engineered to withstand harsh environmental conditions, making it suitable for EV charger.
- Excellent Adhesion: This TPE series offers excellent adhesion to polypropylene (PP), enhancing its versatility and broadening its application range in EV charger manufacturing.
- In-Process Recycling Possible: During the production process of the TPE, waste can be recycled and reused, thereby cutting down on material waste and costs while conserving resources.
- Regulatory Compliance: The series complies with a range of rigorous regulations, including 49 CFR §571.302 (FMVSS 302) for flammability, PV 3930 Florida for outdoor weathering, PV 3929 Kalahari for desert conditions, Outdoor Weathering Florida 24-month and Arizona 24-month standards.
- Pre-coloration: Allowing for customized colors to meet specific design and branding requirements of the EV vehicle.
The versatility of the THERMOLAST® K series extends to various automotive applications, including roof racks, water deflectors, cowls gaskets, Active Grill Shutter (AGS), air guide elements, A/B/C/D cappings and covers, air intake duct and air filter, door opener, door trims, wheel arch liner and underbody guard.
凱柏膠寶 - 快覽
- 總部與生產基地:瓦爾德克賴堡/德國
- 區域總部和生產基地:吉隆坡/馬來西亞,亞特蘭大/美國
- 產品:熱塑性彈性體化合物
- 品牌:熱塑寶、科柔寶、高溫寶和尼塑寶
- 市場:歐洲、美洲、亞太地區
- 員工:660