热塑宝K (THERMOLAST® K)系列是一种创新的TPE材料解决方案,专门设计以满足电动车领域的严格要求,特别是针对电动车充电器。
热塑宝K (THERMOLAST® K)系列是一种创新的TPE材料解决方案,专门设计以满足电动车领域的严格要求,特别是针对电动车充电器。
• 长期稳定性:该系列产品经过工程设计,能够耐受恶劣的环境条件,非常适用于电动车充电器。
• 良好的包胶性能:该系列产品与PP具有良好的包胶性能,不仅增强其多样性,而且还扩展了在电动车充电器在制造中的应用范围。
• 可进行过程中的回收利用:在TPE材料生产过程当中,废料可以回收再利用,从而减少原材料的浪费,同时节约资源。
• 法规合规性:该系列产品符合一系列严格的法规要求,其中包括防燃性的49 CFR §571.302(FMVSS 302)、户外耐候性的PV 3930 Florida标准、沙漠条件下的PV 3929 Kalahari标准,以及户外耐候性佛罗里达24个月和亚利桑那24个月标准。
• 预着色:允许定制颜色,以满足电动车设计和品牌需求。
热塑宝K(THERMOLAST® K)系列的多功能性延伸到各种汽车应用,其中包括车顶行李架、防水导流板、散热器上的风挡玻璃密封垫、主动式格栅百叶窗(AGS)、空气导向元件、A/B/C/D柱覆盖件和盖板、进气道和空气滤清器、门把手、门饰板、车轮拱罩内衬和底部防护板。
TPE Solutions for EV Charger
THERMOLAST® K is an innovative solution tailored to meet the stringent requirements of the EV vehicle sector, particularly for EV charger.
KRAIBURG TPE's Cutting-Edge TPE Solutions for EV Charger Applications
In the rapidly evolving landscape of electric vehicle (EV) technology, every component plays a crucial role in shaping the future of sustainable transportation. Among these components, the EV charger stands as a vital link between the power grid and electric vehicles. KRAIBURG TPE, a global thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) manufacturer, is at the forefront of EV charger manufacturing with its innovative materials.
EV chargers demand materials that can withstand harsh environmental conditions, provide durability, and ensure safe and reliable performance. KRAIBURG TPE's TPE materials are uniquely positioned to meet these rigorous requirements while offering additional benefits that elevate EV charger design and functionality.
Key Material Advantages for EV Charger
THERMOLAST® K is an innovative solution tailored to meet the stringent requirements of the EV vehicle sector, particularly for EV charger.
- Long-Lasting Performance: The series is engineered to withstand harsh environmental conditions, making it suitable for EV charger.
- Excellent Adhesion: This TPE series offers excellent adhesion to polypropylene (PP), enhancing its versatility and broadening its application range in EV charger manufacturing.
- In-Process Recycling Possible: During the production process of the TPE, waste can be recycled and reused, thereby cutting down on material waste and costs while conserving resources.
- Regulatory Compliance: The series complies with a range of rigorous regulations, including 49 CFR §571.302 (FMVSS 302) for flammability, PV 3930 Florida for outdoor weathering, PV 3929 Kalahari for desert conditions, Outdoor Weathering Florida 24-month and Arizona 24-month standards.
- Pre-coloration: Allowing for customized colors to meet specific design and branding requirements of the EV vehicle.
The versatility of the THERMOLAST® K series extends to various automotive applications, including roof racks, water deflectors, cowls gaskets, Active Grill Shutter (AGS), air guide elements, A/B/C/D cappings and covers, air intake duct and air filter, door opener, door trims, wheel arch liner and underbody guard.
凯柏胶宝® - 快览
- 总部和生产基地:瓦尔德克赖堡/德国
- 区域总部和生产基地:吉隆坡/马来西亚,亚特兰大/美国
- 产品:热塑性弹性体化合物
- 品牌:热塑宝、科柔宝®、高温宝和尼塑宝®
- 市场:欧洲、美洲、亚太地区
- 员工:660