Veröffentlichung: 18. November 2024 Zuletzt aktualisiert: 04. März 2025

Refining Fishing Lures with Cutting-Edge TPE

KRAIBURG TPE’s materials significantly improve fishing lures by providing exceptional flexibility and durability, allowing lifelike movements that mimic real prey. 

KRAIBURG TPE Refines Fishing Lures with Cutting-Edge Thermoplastic Elastomers
KRAIBURG TPE, a global thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) manufacturer, is proud to collaborate with Dranckrazy to improve fishing lure performance using cutting-edge thermoplastic elastomers (TPE). This sets a new standard in the industry with its exceptional functionality and design.


TPE Materials Enhance Fishing Lure Performance
KRAIBURG TPE’s materials significantly improve fishing lures by providing exceptional flexibility and durability, allowing lifelike movements that mimic real prey. The soft texture improves skipping ability, ensuring accurate and smooth casts. Additionally, the material’s strength guarantees precise motion with minimal wear. These lures also achieve optimal balance between neck-swinging action and minimal movement distance, effectively attracting fish with realistic and responsive actions.


Product Highlights and Advantages
The TPE Fishing Lure offers several key features and benefits:

  • Superior Skipping Ability: The material allows the lure to push strongly against the water, providing powerful skipping action.

  • Effective Water Resistance: Designed for use with both watered hooks and string weights, the lure performs efficiently around cover when submerged.

  • Realistic Action: The soft and flexible TPE mimic the natural movement of prey to attract fish.

  • Shimmy Fall Action: During descent, the lure’s tail exhibits a shimmy fall action, enhancing its appeal and increasing strike potential.

  • Dry and Smooth Handling: The TPE material ensures the lure remains dry and smooth, eliminating any stickiness to provide a more comfortable and enhanced fishing experience.


“The TPE’s flexibility and durability have enhanced the lure’s action and longevity. The team’s exceptional support has made a significant impact, and the results are impressive. Looking forward to future collaborations!” remarked Masamichi Nishii, Sales Manager at Dranckrazy.


About Dranckrazy
Dranckrazy, founded as a fishing tackle manufacturer in Japan in 2012 has consistently developed new lures and rods to provide anglers with the essential tools needed for exploring various fishing grounds. Each product is meticulously designed and developed in-house. Additionally, all products undergo extensive field testing with testers from around the globe before being launched into the market.

Refining Fishing Lures with Cutting-Edge TPE

KRAIBURG TPE’s materials significantly improve fishing lures by providing exceptional flexibility and durability, allowing lifelike movements that mimic real prey. 

KRAIBURG TPE Refines Fishing Lures with Cutting-Edge Thermoplastic Elastomers
KRAIBURG TPE, a global thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) manufacturer, is proud to collaborate with Dranckrazy to improve fishing lure performance using cutting-edge thermoplastic elastomers (TPE). This sets a new standard in the industry with its exceptional functionality and design.

TPE Materials Enhance Fishing Lure Performance
KRAIBURG TPE’s materials significantly improve fishing lures by providing exceptional flexibility and durability, allowing lifelike movements that mimic real prey. The soft texture improves skipping ability, ensuring accurate and smooth casts. Additionally, the material’s strength guarantees precise motion with minimal wear. These lures also achieve optimal balance between neck-swinging action and minimal movement distance, effectively attracting fish with realistic and responsive actions.


Product Highlights and Advantages
The TPE Fishing Lure offers several key features and benefits:

  • Superior Skipping Ability: The material allows the lure to push strongly against the water, providing powerful skipping action.
  • Effective Water Resistance: Designed for use with both watered hooks and string weights, the lure performs efficiently around cover when submerged.
  • Realistic Action: The soft and flexible TPE mimic the natural movement of prey to attract fish.
  • Shimmy Fall Action: During descent, the lure’s tail exhibits a shimmy fall action, enhancing its appeal and increasing strike potential.
  • Dry and Smooth Handling: The TPE material ensures the lure remains dry and smooth, eliminating any stickiness to provide a more comfortable and enhanced fishing experience.


“The TPE’s flexibility and durability have enhanced the lure’s action and longevity. The team’s exceptional support has made a significant impact, and the results are impressive. Looking forward to future collaborations!” remarked Masamichi Nishii, Sales Manager at Dranckrazy.


About Dranckrazy
Dranckrazy, founded as a fishing tackle manufacturer in Japan in 2012 has consistently developed new lures and rods to provide anglers with the essential tools needed for exploring various fishing grounds. Each product is meticulously designed and developed in-house. Additionally, all products undergo extensive field testing with testers from around the globe before being launched into the market.

KRAIBURG TPE auf einen Blick

  • HQ & Produktionsstätte: Waldkraiburg / Deutschland
  • Regionale HQ & Produktionsstätten: Kuala Lumpur / Malaysia, Atlanta / USA
  • Produkte: Thermoplastische Elastomer Compounds
  • Brands: THERMOLAST®, COPEC®, HIPEX®, and For Tec E®
  • Märkte: Europa, Amerika, Asien Pazifik
  • Mitarbeiter: 660

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18.11.2024 Medienpaket Refining Fishing Lures with Cutting-Edge TPE

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