出版物: 18. 十一月 2024 最後更新: 04. 三月 2025





TPE 材料提升釣魚餌的性能


•    卓越的跳躍能力:TPE材質使釣魚餌能夠強力推向水面,展現出強烈的跳躍動作。
•    優異的防水性能:專為與潮濕的魚鉤和魚線配合使用而設計,當釣魚餌浸入水中時,能夠在覆蓋物周圍充分發揮作用。
•    逼真的動作:柔軟且富有彈性的TPE材質模擬獵物的自然運動,能有效吸引魚類。
•    擺動下落動作:在下降過程中,釣魚餌的尾部展現出擺動的落下動作,增強了其吸引力並提升了攻擊潛力。
•    乾燥光滑的表面處理:TPE材質確保釣魚餌保持乾燥且光滑的表面,能消除任何黏性,從而提供更舒適的釣魚體驗。

Dranckrazy銷售經理Masamichi Nishii表示:“TPE材料的靈活性和耐用性顯著提升了釣魚餌的性能和使用壽命。團隊的強力支持帶來了顯著成效,結果令人印象深刻,並期待未來的合作!” 。


關於 Dranckrazy
Dranckrazy 於 2012 年在日本成立,是一家專注於釣具製造的公司,致力於研發創新的釣魚餌和釣竿,為釣魚愛好者提供探索各類漁場所需的基本工具。每件產品都經過內部精心設計和開發,並在推出市場前經過來自全球各地測試人員的廣泛現場測試。

Refining Fishing Lures with Cutting-Edge TPE

KRAIBURG TPE’s materials significantly improve fishing lures by providing exceptional flexibility and durability, allowing lifelike movements that mimic real prey. 

KRAIBURG TPE Refines Fishing Lures with Cutting-Edge Thermoplastic Elastomers
KRAIBURG TPE, a global thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) manufacturer, is proud to collaborate with Dranckrazy to improve fishing lure performance using cutting-edge thermoplastic elastomers (TPE). This sets a new standard in the industry with its exceptional functionality and design.

TPE Materials Enhance Fishing Lure Performance
KRAIBURG TPE’s materials significantly improve fishing lures by providing exceptional flexibility and durability, allowing lifelike movements that mimic real prey. The soft texture improves skipping ability, ensuring accurate and smooth casts. Additionally, the material’s strength guarantees precise motion with minimal wear. These lures also achieve optimal balance between neck-swinging action and minimal movement distance, effectively attracting fish with realistic and responsive actions.


Product Highlights and Advantages
The TPE Fishing Lure offers several key features and benefits:

  • Superior Skipping Ability: The material allows the lure to push strongly against the water, providing powerful skipping action.
  • Effective Water Resistance: Designed for use with both watered hooks and string weights, the lure performs efficiently around cover when submerged.
  • Realistic Action: The soft and flexible TPE mimic the natural movement of prey to attract fish.
  • Shimmy Fall Action: During descent, the lure’s tail exhibits a shimmy fall action, enhancing its appeal and increasing strike potential.
  • Dry and Smooth Handling: The TPE material ensures the lure remains dry and smooth, eliminating any stickiness to provide a more comfortable and enhanced fishing experience.


“The TPE’s flexibility and durability have enhanced the lure’s action and longevity. The team’s exceptional support has made a significant impact, and the results are impressive. Looking forward to future collaborations!” remarked Masamichi Nishii, Sales Manager at Dranckrazy.


About Dranckrazy
Dranckrazy, founded as a fishing tackle manufacturer in Japan in 2012 has consistently developed new lures and rods to provide anglers with the essential tools needed for exploring various fishing grounds. Each product is meticulously designed and developed in-house. Additionally, all products undergo extensive field testing with testers from around the globe before being launched into the market.

凱柏膠寶 - 快覽

  • 總部與生產基地:瓦爾德克賴堡/德國
  • 區域總部和生產基地:吉隆坡/馬來西亞,亞特蘭大/美國
  • 產品:熱塑性彈性體化合物
  • 品牌:熱塑寶、科柔寶、高溫寶和尼塑寶
  • 市場:歐洲、美洲、亞太地區
  • 員工:660



18.11.2024 媒體包用於 採用先進的熱塑性彈性體(TPE)材料提升釣魚餌的性能

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