出版物: 2020 年 7 月 14 日 最近更新時間: 2025 年 3 月 11 日 阅读时间: 2 min

汽车内饰专用的热塑性弹性体 (TPE)



针对排放和气味问题,凯柏胶宝®采取了全面综合的行动理念,并与独立测试机构易马(imat-uve)携手合作,一同检查并分析了各种相关背景。凭借这一领域的深厚积淀,我们可为您的个性化应用提供广泛可靠的 TPE 汽车内饰材料产品。


我们非常高兴与您一起探讨 TPE 在汽车内饰应用中的可能性。请联系我们的低排放TPE专家,为您的应用找到理想的解决方案。

Thermoplastic elastomers for vehicle interior

Emissions and odors under control

Numerous automobile manufacturers (OEMs) rely on materials that are as pure as possible when equipping the interior of their vehicles, without harmful emissions or unpleasant odors. Consumers are also increasingly placing higher expectations on the emission and odor characteristics of the installed vehicle interior applications.

We at KRAIBURG TPE have taken a comprehensive approach to the issue of emissions and odor and have examined and analyzed the background with the independent testing institute imat-uve. Based on this know-how, a broad TPE portfolio of automotive interior materials is available for your individual application.

At KRAIBURG TPE you benefit not only from a portfolio of specially developed TPE for automotive interiors, but also from comprehensive support about the factors influencing odor and emission behavior. Not only the formulation has an effect on these properties: Odor and emission of the materials are also influenced during processing and storage at your facilities.

We would be pleased to discuss the possibilities of TPE in automotive interiors with you. Contact our low emission experts and find the ideal solution for your applications.

凯柏胶宝® - 快览

  • 总部和生产基地:瓦尔德克赖堡/德国
  • 区域总部和生产基地:吉隆坡/马来西亚,亚特兰大/美国
  • 产品:热塑性弹性体化合物
  • 品牌:热塑宝、科柔宝®、高温宝和尼塑宝®
  • 市场:欧洲、美洲、亚太地区
  • 员工:660

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