Publicación: 12. Oct 2020 Última actualización: 7. Mar 2025

TPEs for dynamic diving equipment

KRAIBURG TPE, a recognized global leader in superior TPE compounds formulates THERMOLAST® K for dynamic diving equipment applications.

Engaging in diving and other recreational underwater sports is on almost everyone’s bucket list. Scuba diving is not only for the enjoyment of underwater vista, it also provides therapeutic, rehabilitative and physical workout benefits, as well as enhancing awareness on the underwater ecosystem and caring for the environment.

For an optimum underwater experience, essential diving gear must provide adequate protection against extreme temperatures; be able to withstand underwater pressure; be lightweight and fit comfortably.

Thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) materials meet the requirements in the manufacture of dynamic diving equipment and gear. These include flexibility, durability, versatility in design and colorization, safety, recyclability, and more.

KRAIBURG TPE’s innovative THERMOLAST® K TPE is just the perfect compound ideal for diving equipment applications. 


Right fit for underwater gear

Our select THERMOLAST® K TPE have excellent UV and weather resistance that suits a diverse range of diving equipment components. The compounds can be used to manufacture diving masks, fins, regulators, gloves, dive computers, snorkels, underwater lights and more, all of which are constantly exposed to sunlight and sea water.

In addition, it is sebum resistant for applications requiring a firm but user-friendly grip; and excellent sealing for gaskets and sealing applications.


Easy processability of compounds

THERMOLAST® K TPE is also suitable for underwater diving lamp applications, whereby the housing is molded from PP and overmolded with the TPE cover and seal.

Diving regulators can have a TPE cover that provides a molded-in seal and weight reduction. Since the regulator is smaller, it allows the diver to breathe easily.   

For diving fins, the TPE compounds add a springy touch. The diver requires less energy to flap through water and it improves a diver’s speed. The compounds also provide the perfect sealing in watercraft dry compartments.


Multifunctional solution for superb overall design

KRAIBURG TPE’s innovative TPE compounds provide consistent colorability and excellent mechanical properties to deliver the custom requirements of product designers and developers. Meanwhile, end users can benefit from the specialized fit, feel and look of the products.

Some of the recommended TPEs in the THERMOLAST® K are the GP/FG and the FC/CS compounds.  

The GP/FG series has a soft touch surface and non-sticky haptic feel. It is suitable for applications like diving fins, tank bankers, etc. Meanwhile, the FC/CS series has an excellent compression set, which is important for diving equipment, especially since underwater pressure is high. Its soft touch surface and hysteresis makes the compound suitable for applications such as diving masks, diving computers, diving gloves, and more.

TPEs for dynamic diving equipment

KRAIBURG TPE, a recognized global leader in superior TPE compounds formulates THERMOLAST® K for dynamic diving equipment applications.

Engaging in diving and other recreational underwater sports is on almost everyone’s bucket list. Scuba diving is not only for the enjoyment of underwater vista, it also provides therapeutic, rehabilitative and physical workout benefits, as well as enhancing awareness on the underwater ecosystem and caring for the environment.

For an optimum underwater experience, essential diving gear must provide adequate protection against extreme temperatures; be able to withstand underwater pressure; be lightweight and fit comfortably.

Thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) materials meet the requirements in the manufacture of dynamic diving equipment and gear. These include flexibility, durability, versatility in design and colorization, safety, recyclability, and more.

KRAIBURG TPE’s innovative THERMOLAST® K TPE is just the perfect compound ideal for diving equipment applications.


Right fit for underwater gear

Our select THERMOLAST® K TPE have excellent UV and weather resistance that suits a diverse range of diving equipment components. The compounds can be used to manufacture diving masks, fins, regulators, gloves, dive computers, snorkels, underwater lights and more, all of which are constantly exposed to sunlight and sea water.

In addition, it is sebum resistant for applications requiring a firm but user-friendly grip; and excellent sealing for gaskets and sealing applications.


Easy processability of compounds

THERMOLAST® K TPE is also suitable for underwater diving lamp applications, whereby the housing is molded from PP and overmolded with the TPE cover and seal.

Diving regulators can have a TPE cover that provides a molded-in seal and weight reduction. Since the regulator is smaller, it allows the diver to breathe easily.  

For diving fins, the TPE compounds add a springy touch. The diver requires less energy to flap through water and it improves a diver’s speed. The compounds also provide the perfect sealing in watercraft dry compartments.


Multifunctional solution for superb overall design

KRAIBURG TPE’s innovative TPE compounds provide consistent colorability and excellent mechanical properties to deliver the custom requirements of product designers and developers. Meanwhile, end users can benefit from the specialized fit, feel and look of the products.

Some of the recommended TPEs in the THERMOLAST® K are the GP/FG and the FC/CS compounds.  

The GP/FG series has a soft touch surface and non-sticky haptic feel. It is suitable for applications like diving fins, tank bankers, etc. Meanwhile, the FC/CS series has an excellent compression set, which is important for diving equipment, especially since underwater pressure is high. Its soft touch surface and hysteresis makes the compound suitable for applications such as diving masks, diving computers, diving gloves, and more.


  • Sede central y centro de producción: Waldkraiburg / Alemania
  • Sedes y centros de producción regionales: Kuala Lumpur / Malasia, Atlanta / EE.UU.
  • Productos: Compuestos de elastómeros termoplásticos
  • Marcas: THERMOLAST®, COPEC®, HIPEX®, and For Tec E®
  • Mercados: Europa, América, Asia-Pacífico
  • Empleados: 660

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12.10.2020 PAQUETE DE MEDIOS PARA TPEs for dynamic diving equipment

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