Publicación: 14. Sep 2020 Última actualización: 7. Mar 2025

TPEs make the grade in photography equipment

KRAIBURG TPE offers the THERMOLAST® K GP/FG and For Tec E® AD/PAX/CR series compounds for soft-touch and easy coloring advantages in camera accessory applications.

The go-to device for documenting memories of travels, get-togethers, or important life events, the camera has come a long way since its early beginnings. The modern point-and-shoot camera technology has advanced, providing more control, flexibility, and adaptability for users to produce crystal clear images.

With mobility a basal feature in consumer products, compact-sized cameras that are compatible with their full-sized counterparts are gaining a market advantage. Camera accessories, ranging from memory cards, battery packs and lenses to tripods, flash sticks, bags and neck straps, aid in enhancing the image quality and augment the service life of a camera.

The design of camera accessories has also adapted along with users’ requirements for durability, ease of use and personalization. Manufacturers of camera accessories rely on advanced materials such as thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) to fulfil the product application criteria for versatility, durability, and safety specifications, among other features.

KRAIBURG TPE, a global TPE manufacturer of a wide range of thermoplastic elastomer products and custom-engineered TPE solutions, offers TPE compounds for camera accessory applications.

For a better grip

KRAIBURG TPE’s GP/FG series provides camera users with a better grip on handles of photography accessories.

It is suitable to be applied on handles in photography accessories such as waterproof cases, protective cases, action camera monopods, as well as on buttons, thumb wheels and switches, thanks to its dry haptic and soft touch surface.

It is also suitable for application on sealing of a camera body and the lenses, where it provides protection and excellent aesthetics.

The GP/FG series has excellent adhesion to PP, making it ideal for two-component molding. Furthermore, it can be colored to various color options, allowing for functional design elements in photography equipment and accessories.

Another key advantage of the GP/FG series is its halogen-free feature, in accordance to IEC 61249-2-21.

Catering to soft touch requirements

Taking advantage of the superior touch and feel features, KRAIBURG TPE’s AD/PAX/CR series is the material solution for two-component seals in electronic applications and soft-touch handles.

The AD/PAX/CR series is resistant to skincare oils, sun cream and olive oil, making it suitable for application on parts that require high contact with skin, such as handles and grips on monopods, tripods, camera stabilizers and protective cases.

It is also suitable for application on sealing of a camera outer case, camera screen and photography lighting equipment.

A key advantage of the AD/PAX/CR series is its excellent adhesion to partially aromatic polyamides (PAX) and polyacrylamides (PARA), PA12, PA6 and PA6.6 (up to 50% glass fiber).

TPEs in color

KRAIBURG TPE provides samples and series production in high color precision and uses high quality color pigments and masterbatches in its TPE compounds.

KRAIBURG TPE also maintains its color consistency globally, to suit customer requirements worldwide.

The pre-coloration service is available for TPE compounds for use in the consumer, automotive, medical, and other industry markets.

TPEs make the grade in photography equipment

KRAIBURG TPE offers the THERMOLAST® K GP/FG and For Tec E® AD/PAX/CR series compounds for soft-touch and easy coloring advantages in camera accessory applications.

The go-to device for documenting memories of travels, get-togethers, or important life events, the camera has come a long way since its early beginnings. The modern point-and-shoot camera technology has advanced, providing more control, flexibility, and adaptability for users to produce crystal clear images.

With mobility a basal feature in consumer products, compact-sized cameras that are compatible with their full-sized counterparts are gaining a market advantage. Camera accessories, ranging from memory cards, battery packs and lenses to tripods, flash sticks, bags and neck straps, aid in enhancing the image quality and augment the service life of a camera.

The design of camera accessories has also adapted along with users’ requirements for durability, ease of use and personalization. Manufacturers of camera accessories rely on advanced materials such as thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) to fulfil the product application criteria for versatility, durability, and safety specifications, among other features.

KRAIBURG TPE, a global TPE manufacturer of a wide range of thermoplastic elastomer products and custom-engineered TPE solutions, offers TPE compounds for camera accessory applications.

For a better grip

KRAIBURG TPE’s GP/FG series provides camera users with a better grip on handles of photography accessories.

It is suitable to be applied on handles in photography accessories such as waterproof cases, protective cases, action camera monopods, as well as on buttons, thumb wheels and switches, thanks to its dry haptic and soft touch surface.

It is also suitable for application on sealing of a camera body and the lenses, where it provides protection and excellent aesthetics.

The GP/FG series has excellent adhesion to PP, making it ideal for two-component molding. Furthermore, it can be colored to various color options, allowing for functional design elements in photography equipment and accessories.

Another key advantage of the GP/FG series is its halogen-free feature, in accordance to IEC 61249-2-21.

Catering to soft touch requirements

Taking advantage of the superior touch and feel features, KRAIBURG TPE’s AD/PAX/CR series is the material solution for two-component seals in electronic applications and soft-touch handles.

The AD/PAX/CR series is resistant to skincare oils, sun cream and olive oil, making it suitable for application on parts that require high contact with skin, such as handles and grips on monopods, tripods, camera stabilizers and protective cases.

It is also suitable for application on sealing of a camera outer case, camera screen and photography lighting equipment.

A key advantage of the AD/PAX/CR series is its excellent adhesion to partially aromatic polyamides (PAX) and polyacrylamides (PARA), PA12, PA6 and PA6.6 (up to 50% glass fiber).

TPEs in color

KRAIBURG TPE provides samples and series production in high color precision and uses high quality color pigments and masterbatches in its TPE compounds.

KRAIBURG TPE also maintains its color consistency globally, to suit customer requirements worldwide.

The pre-coloration service is available for TPE compounds for use in the consumer, automotive, medical, and other industry markets.


  • Sede central y centro de producción: Waldkraiburg / Alemania
  • Sedes y centros de producción regionales: Kuala Lumpur / Malasia, Atlanta / EE.UU.
  • Productos: Compuestos de elastómeros termoplásticos
  • Marcas: THERMOLAST®, COPEC®, HIPEX®, and For Tec E®
  • Mercados: Europa, América, Asia-Pacífico
  • Empleados: 660

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14.09.2020 PAQUETE DE MEDIOS PARA KRAIBURG TPE offers the THERMOLAST® K GP/FG and For Tec E® AD/PAX/CR series compounds for soft-touch and easy coloring advantage

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