Publicación: 13. Mar 2025 Última actualización: 12. Mar 2025

Flame-Retardant TPE for Safety-Critical Applications

KRAIBURG TPE, a global manufacturer of thermoplastic elastomers, provides high-quality, custom-engineered compounds for applications requiring superior flame resistance. 

With internet connectivity becoming indispensable for work, entertainment, and communication, prolonged use of network devices such as modems, routers, and fiber optic terminals stresses hardware. Overheating and wear can lead to malfunctions, short circuits, or even fire hazards.

Proper ventilation and regular maintenance help reduce these risks, but the use of flame-retardant materials in electrical products boosts safety. Devices made with safety-compliant materials withstand high temperatures, prevent ignition, and delay flammability, reducing fire risks. As internet use expands, hardware safety remains a priority for manufacturers and consumers.


Flame-Retardant TPE for Safety-Critical Applications
KRAIBURG TPE, a global manufacturer of thermoplastic elastomers, provides high-quality, custom-engineered compounds for applications requiring superior flame resistance.

Its flame-retardant TPE series is designed for fire-safety and is halogen-free, complying with IEC 61249-2-21 standards, thereby reducing the risk of harmful emissions during combustion.

These compounds have been tested for flammability and fire resistance, achieving a Glow Wire Ignition Temperature (GWIT) of 960°C on a 2 mm-thick sample.

Additionally, the flame retardant TPEs exhibit slow ignition, low smoke emission, and a high Glow Wire Flammability Index (GWFI), indicating strong resistance to ignition and self-extinguishing properties. With temperature stability up to 85°C, these compounds ensure optimal thermal tolerance for appliances and prevent fire spread by inhibiting flaming droplets.


Sustainability and Design Adaptability
KRAIBURG TPE’s compounds support sustainability in every application and enable in-process recycling for manufacturers.

They exhibit strong adhesion to polyolefins like PP, allowing for easier and more flexible manufacturing, along with good flowability. Available in a wide range of colors, these TPE compounds can also be customized to meet specific color requirements.

As such, these materials are particularly valuable for use in housing sensitive electronics, such as internet hardware.


Meet us in Hall 17, Booth No: Q71 to explore our innovative and sustainable TPE solutions and connect with industry experts.
Register for your FREE Visitor Pass and booth appointment! Hurry - availability is limited. 

Free visitor Pass


  • Sede central y centro de producción: Waldkraiburg / Alemania
  • Sedes y centros de producción regionales: Kuala Lumpur / Malasia, Atlanta / EE.UU.
  • Productos: Compuestos de elastómeros termoplásticos
  • Marcas: THERMOLAST®, COPEC®, HIPEX®, and For Tec E®
  • Mercados: Europa, América, Asia-Pacífico
  • Empleados: 660

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13.03.2025 PAQUETE DE MEDIOS PARA Flame-Retardant TPE for Safety-Critical Applications

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Bridget Ngang

Juliane Schmidhuber

Mirna Pina

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