Publicación: 29. Ago 2024 Última actualización: 3. Mar 2025

Enhancing Cable Organizer Functionality with Seamless TPE Innovation

The THERMOLAST® K selected TPE series, formulated specifically for cable organizer applications, boasts good surface feel that enhances convenience in daily life.

KRAIBURG TPE Enhances Cable Organizer Functionality through Seamless Innovation
KRAIBURG TPE, a global manufacturer of thermoplastic elastomer products and custom-engineered solutions is set to boost the Asia Pacific cable organizer market with its advanced THERMOLAST® K selected TPE series. These TPE innovations enhance connectivity, functionality, and user experience across different industries.

The integration of TPE in cable organizers marks a significant leap in design and functionality. Focusing on user experience, TPE-infused cable organizers offer extra comfort and reduce potential safety hazards. The THERMOLAST® K selected TPE series, formulated specifically for cable organizer applications, boasts good surface feel that enhances convenience in daily life.


THERMOLAST® K Key Material Advantages

  • Non-sticky surface: TPE material’s dry and non-slip surface prevents dirt and dust from adhering to it, making the cable organizer easier to clean.
  • Optimized mechanical properties: The high tensile strength and abrasion resistance of TPE materials allow the cable organizer to withstand frequent use without easily getting damaged.
  • Waterproof performance: Excellent waterproof performance ensures that the cable organizer can be used in humid environments without getting damaged, protecting the cables from moisture.
  • Fireproof performance: TPE material can meet certain fire resistance standards, reducing the risk of the product in fire or other emergencies, thus enhancing safety.
  • Colorable: This feature allows for distinguishing and managing different types of cables, making quick identification easier and improving organization and usage efficiency.


Ideal applications 
Besides cable organizers, KRAIBURG TPE’s materials offer ideal applications such as car mats, screwdriver handles, air guide elements, air flap control, seals for housings, cable clips, bumpers, and pipeline joint sealing.

Enhancing Cable Organizer Functionality with Seamless TPE Innovation

The THERMOLAST® K selected TPE series, formulated specifically for cable organizer applications, boasts good surface feel that enhances convenience in daily life.

KRAIBURG TPE Enhances Cable Organizer Functionality through Seamless Innovation
KRAIBURG TPE, a global manufacturer of thermoplastic elastomer products and custom-engineered solutions is set to boost the Asia Pacific cable organizer market with its advanced THERMOLAST® K selected TPE series. These TPE innovations enhance connectivity, functionality, and user experience across different industries.

The integration of TPE in cable organizers marks a significant leap in design and functionality. Focusing on user experience, TPE-infused cable organizers offer extra comfort and reduce potential safety hazards. The THERMOLAST® K selected TPE series, formulated specifically for cable organizer applications, boasts good surface feel that enhances convenience in daily life.


THERMOLAST® K Key Material Advantages

Non-sticky surface: TPE material’s dry and non-slip surface prevents dirt and dust from adhering to it, making the cable organizer easier to clean.
Optimized mechanical properties: The high tensile strength and abrasion resistance of TPE materials allow the cable organizer to withstand frequent use without easily getting damaged.
Waterproof performance: Excellent waterproof performance ensures that the cable organizer can be used in humid environments without getting damaged, protecting the cables from moisture.
Fireproof performance: TPE material can meet certain fire resistance standards, reducing the risk of the product in fire or other emergencies, thus enhancing safety.
Colorable: This feature allows for distinguishing and managing different types of cables, making quick identification easier and improving organization and usage efficiency.

Ideal applications 
Besides cable organizers, KRAIBURG TPE’s materials offer ideal applications such as car mats, screwdriver handles, air guide elements, air flap control, seals for housings, cable clips, bumpers, and pipeline joint sealing.


  • Sede central y centro de producción: Waldkraiburg / Alemania
  • Sedes y centros de producción regionales: Kuala Lumpur / Malasia, Atlanta / EE.UU.
  • Productos: Compuestos de elastómeros termoplásticos
  • Marcas: THERMOLAST®, COPEC®, HIPEX®, and For Tec E®
  • Mercados: Europa, América, Asia-Pacífico
  • Empleados: 660

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