Veröffentlichung: 27. September 2023 Zuletzt aktualisiert: 05. März 2025

Advanced Weather and UV Resistance for Optimal Roof Rack Performance

KRAIBURG TPE offers custom-engineered TPE solutions to cater to the functional and design requirements of roof railings, trims, and racks within the automotive exterior market. 

KRAIBURG TPE offers custom-engineered TPE solutions to cater to the functional and design requirements of roof railings, trims, and racks within the automotive exterior market. These solutions deliver durability and flexibility while aligning with sustainability goals. The latest automotive exterior sustainable TPE series highlights KRAIBURG TPE’s commitment to eco-friendly manufacturing, offering manufacturers greener choices for exterior automotive parts.

This THERMOLAST®R RC/UV/AP series brings together cutting-edge technology and sustainable practices, offering an array of benefits to the automotive industry. The series showcases a hardness-dependent post-consumer recycled content ranging from 15% to 40%. It also boasts a remarkable spectrum of hardness options, spanning from 50 Shore A to 90 Shore A to meet diverse applications.

The RC/UV/AP series excels in performance across various dimensions such as weather and UV resistance, with the former confirmed by its successful completion of the 2-year cycle Florida test. This ensures that automotive components crafted from this series maintain their integrity and appearance even under harsh environmental conditions.

The RC/UV/AP series further distinguishes itself through its good adhesion properties, particularly with PP and PE. The series’ ability to work well with multi-component injection molding makes it easy to assemble parts like roof rail covers, enhancing both the strength and appearance of the components.

Additionally, the series demonstrates good thermal stability, preserving its performance attributes even at elevated operating temperatures of up to 90°C. This characteristic affirms the reliability and longevity of automotive components fabricated from the THERMOLAST® R RC/UV/AP series.

The RC/UV/AP series aligns seamlessly with sustainable practices, using recyclable materials, echoing the industry's growing demand for eco-friendly and recyclable solutions.

The ideal applications for the series include roof rack sealing and covers, roof railing underlays, and roof railing bases. 

Apart from the highlighted series, KRAIBURG TPE also offers a variety of custom-engineered TPE compounds designed specifically for automotive customers’ specific needs and preferences. These tailored solutions are aimed at delivering exclusive performance, functionality, and design, aligning with the individual requirements of manufacturers.

Sustainability successes of our TPEs

Besides roof rack applications, KRAIBURG TPE’s recent sustainability innovations include a series of material solutions specially developed for automotive, consumer, consumer electronics, wearables and industry applications. Comprising up to 48% post-consumer recycled (PCR) and 50% post-industrial recycled (PIR) content, the material complies with multiple global standards such as FDA raw material compliance, RoHS and REACH SVHC requirements. KRAIBURG TPE also provides customers with product carbon footprint values.

Are you looking for a sustainable TPE solution? Talk to us! 

Our experts are happy to answer any questions you have, as well as to offer the right solution for your application.


Advanced Weather and UV Resistance for Optimal Roof Rack Performance

KRAIBURG TPE offers custom-engineered TPE solutions to cater to the functional and design requirements of roof railings, trims, and racks within the automotive exterior market. 

KRAIBURG TPE offers custom-engineered TPE solutions to cater to the functional and design requirements of roof railings, trims, and racks within the automotive exterior market. These solutions deliver durability and flexibility while aligning with sustainability goals. The latest automotive exterior sustainable TPE series highlights KRAIBURG TPE’s commitment to eco-friendly manufacturing, offering manufacturers greener choices for exterior automotive parts.

This THERMOLAST®R RC/UV/AP series brings together cutting-edge technology and sustainable practices, offering an array of benefits to the automotive industry. The series showcases a hardness-dependent post-consumer recycled content ranging from 15% to 40%. It also boasts a remarkable spectrum of hardness options, spanning from 50 Shore A to 90 Shore A to meet diverse applications.

The RC/UV/AP series excels in performance across various dimensions such as weather and UV resistance, with the former confirmed by its successful completion of the 2-year cycle Florida test. This ensures that automotive components crafted from this series maintain their integrity and appearance even under harsh environmental conditions.

The RC/UV/AP series further distinguishes itself through its good adhesion properties, particularly with PP and PE. The series’ ability to work well with multi-component injection molding makes it easy to assemble parts like roof rail covers, enhancing both the strength and appearance of the components.

Additionally, the series demonstrates good thermal stability, preserving its performance attributes even at elevated operating temperatures of up to 90°C. This characteristic affirms the reliability and longevity of automotive components fabricated from the THERMOLAST® R RC/UV/AP series.

The RC/UV/AP series aligns seamlessly with sustainable practices, using recyclable materials, echoing the industry's growing demand for eco-friendly and recyclable solutions.

The ideal applications for the series include roof rack sealing and covers, roof railing underlays, and roof railing bases.

Apart from the highlighted series, KRAIBURG TPE also offers a variety of custom-engineered TPE compounds designed specifically for automotive customers’ specific needs and preferences. These tailored solutions are aimed at delivering exclusive performance, functionality, and design, aligning with the individual requirements of manufacturers.

Sustainability successes of our TPEs

Besides roof rack applications, KRAIBURG TPE’s recent sustainability innovations include a series of material solutions specially developed for automotive, consumer, consumer electronics, wearables and industry applications. Comprising up to 48% post-consumer recycled (PCR) and 50% post-industrial recycled (PIR) content, the material complies with multiple global standards such as FDA raw material compliance, RoHS and REACH SVHC requirements. KRAIBURG TPE also provides customers with product carbon footprint values.


Are you looking for a sustainable TPE solution? Talk to us!


Our experts are happy to answer any questions you have, as well as to offer the right solution for your application.

KRAIBURG TPE auf einen Blick

  • HQ & Produktionsstätte: Waldkraiburg / Deutschland
  • Regionale HQ & Produktionsstätten: Kuala Lumpur / Malaysia, Atlanta / USA
  • Produkte: Thermoplastische Elastomer Compounds
  • Brands: THERMOLAST®, COPEC®, HIPEX®, and For Tec E®
  • Märkte: Europa, Amerika, Asien Pazifik
  • Mitarbeiter: 660

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27.09.2023 Medienpaket Advanced Weather and UV Resistance for Optimal Roof Rack Performance

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Bridget Ngang

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