Veröffentlichung: 09. August 2021 Zuletzt aktualisiert: 03. März 2025

TPEs for ergonomically designed healthcare equipment

KRAIBURG TPE offers its THERMOLAST® M and THERMOLAST® K TPE compound solutions for improved ergonomics design advantages, to prevent injuries and safety hazards in healthcare equipment.

Ergonomic stressors, or the work needed to perform the tasks, are undoubtedly significantly impacting the productivity and well-being of healthcare workers.  

In a medical setting, healthcare workers are susceptible to ergonomic hazards. This involves from handling patients such as moving and transferring them about that may require bending, lifting, or a sudden force, to manual operation of medical equipment and furniture. Thus, maintaining a static posture (sitting or standing for an extended time), and other such awkward postures and repetitive or monotonous motions may result in musculoskeletal disorders or MSDs.  

There are ways to prevent MSDs, including adequate breaks or rest recovery periods, positioning strategies when lifting or bending, use of assist devices, and generally adapting the physiological demand of a task to suit a worker’s capacity. 

In addition, ensuring that the equipment in use is ergonomically designed is also important to meet user capabilities and promote good work practices to prevent work-related risks.

For this purpose, new high-performance materials such as thermoplastics elastomers (TPEs) are widely used in the manufacture of healthcare devices and equipment to improve the ergonomics.  

KRAIBURG TPE, a global TPE manufacturer of a wide range of thermoplastic elastomer products and custom solutions for multiple industries, offers high quality and custom-engineered TPE compounds that feature exceptional elasticity, material processability and light weight advantages for healthcare equipment. 

TPEs for safety and user-comfort

The application of KRAIBURG TPE’s TPE compounds in healthcare equipment delivers safety and efficiency, as well as optimized function and comfort for users. The TPE materials also give the necessary flexibility in the ergonomic application for the design of healthcare equipment.

The high-performance TPE compounds feature a soft-touch surface; chemical/scratch resistance; durability, and other desired properties that make them suitable for application in appliances and fittings. These include blood draw arm stands, footrest assemblies on chairs, transfer armchairs, phlebotomy chairs, and more.

Additionally, the pre-colorable TPE compounds are available with various color options that guarantee a consistent color quality worldwide.

Suitability for ergonomic designs

KRAIBURG TPE’s THERMOLAST® M series and THERMOLAST® K series of compounds are especially suited for applications that require ergonomic designs. Both consist of a wide range of hardness to cater to the different level of hardness required by customers.

They have good adhesion with PP, PC, ABS, PC/ABS, ASA, SAN, PET and PETG as well as PA; and can be processed via multi-component injection molding and co-extrusion processes.

These versatile compounds are compliant to international material safety standards. The THERMOLAST® M meets the requirement of VDI 2017, ISO 10993-5 standards and is listed in the Drug Master File. The THERMOLAST® K selected series complies with the relevant FDA-Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 21, and standard EN 71/3 regulations as well as China GB standards.

TPEs for ergonomically designed healthcare equipment

KRAIBURG TPE offers its THERMOLAST® M and THERMOLAST® K TPE compound solutions for improved ergonomics design advantages, to prevent injuries and safety hazards in healthcare equipment.

Ergonomic stressors, or the work needed to perform the tasks, are undoubtedly significantly impacting the productivity and well-being of healthcare workers.  

In a medical setting, healthcare workers are susceptible to ergonomic hazards. This involves from handling patients such as moving and transferring them about that may require bending, lifting, or a sudden force, to manual operation of medical equipment and furniture. Thus, maintaining a static posture (sitting or standing for an extended time), and other such awkward postures and repetitive or monotonous motions may result in musculoskeletal disorders or MSDs.  

There are ways to prevent MSDs, including adequate breaks or rest recovery periods, positioning strategies when lifting or bending, use of assist devices, and generally adapting the physiological demand of a task to suit a worker’s capacity.

In addition, ensuring that the equipment in use is ergonomically designed is also important to meet user capabilities and promote good work practices to prevent work-related risks.

For this purpose, new high-performance materials such as thermoplastics elastomers (TPEs) are widely used in the manufacture of healthcare devices and equipment to improve the ergonomics.  

KRAIBURG TPE, a global TPE manufacturer of a wide range of thermoplastic elastomer products and custom solutions for multiple industries, offers high quality and custom-engineered TPE compounds that feature exceptional elasticity, material processability and light weight advantages for healthcare equipment.

TPEs for safety and user-comfort

The application of KRAIBURG TPE’s TPE compounds in healthcare equipment delivers safety and efficiency, as well as optimized function and comfort for users. The TPE materials also give the necessary flexibility in the ergonomic application for the design of healthcare equipment.

The high-performance TPE compounds feature a soft-touch surface; chemical/scratch resistance; durability, and other desired properties that make them suitable for application in appliances and fittings. These include blood draw arm stands, footrest assemblies on chairs, transfer armchairs, phlebotomy chairs, and more.

Additionally, the pre-colorable TPE compounds are available with various color options that guarantee a consistent color quality worldwide.

Suitability for ergonomic designs

KRAIBURG TPE’s THERMOLAST® M series and THERMOLAST® K series of compounds are especially suited for applications that require ergonomic designs. Both consist of a wide range of hardness to cater to the different level of hardness required by customers.

They have good adhesion with PP, PC, ABS, PC/ABS, ASA, SAN, PET and PETG as well as PA; and can be processed via multi-component injection molding and co-extrusion processes.

These versatile compounds are compliant to international material safety standards. The THERMOLAST® M meets the requirement of VDI 2017, ISO 10993-5 standards and is listed in the Drug Master File. The THERMOLAST® K selected series complies with the relevant FDA-Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 21, and standard EN 71/3 regulations as well as China GB standards.

KRAIBURG TPE auf einen Blick

  • HQ & Produktionsstätte: Waldkraiburg / Deutschland
  • Regionale HQ & Produktionsstätten: Kuala Lumpur / Malaysia, Atlanta / USA
  • Produkte: Thermoplastische Elastomer Compounds
  • Brands: THERMOLAST®, COPEC®, HIPEX®, and For Tec E®
  • Märkte: Europa, Amerika, Asien Pazifik
  • Mitarbeiter: 660

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09.08.2021 Medienpaket TPEs for ergonomically designed healthcare equipment

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