Veröffentlichung: 12. August 2024 Zuletzt aktualisiert: 05. März 2025

KRAIBURG TPE Americas partners with ANDERS in Peru for representation in the Andean region 

ANDERS and KRAIBURG TPE have maintained a business relationship since the beginning of 2024 and have officially joined forces to represent KRAIBURG TPE locally in the Latin American market. 

With various distribution alliances in the Americas, KRAIBURG TPE maintains a specific objective for each region. When it comes to thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) and distribution, KRAIBURG TPE provides consistent compounds and support, working closely with its partners to provide the technical expertise needed to meet customers' challenges and applications.


It is a multinational distribution company based in Lima, Peru, specializing in chemicals, ingredients, consumables and equipment for industry. Founded in 1964, it has a local presence in 8 Latin American countries and employs more than 200 people. With more than 60 years of experience in the plastics industry, they offer a comprehensive portfolio of products, solutions and services to all their customers, with specialized local technical support in each country. 


Joint forces of KRAIBURG TPE & ANDERS

ANDERS and KRAIBURG TPE have maintained a business relationship since the beginning of 2024 and have officially joined forces to represent KRAIBURG TPE locally in the Latin American market. This partnership aims to increase the presence of thermoplastic elastomers manufactured by KRAIBURG TPE, known for their exceptional elasticity, thermoplastic processing, flexibility and adhesion to various substrates, targeting the consumer, industrial and medical markets.

KRAIBURG TPE has over 20 years of experience, and combined with ANDERS' reach and over 60 years of expertise in the plastics industry in Latin America, they strive to provide efficient and successful customized material solutions. With ANDERS' regional knowledge and KRAIBURG TPE's technical expertise in TPE, the alliance is proving to be mutually beneficial.

Alberto Oba | Sales and Marketing Director of KRAIBURG TPE Americas

With a significant market presence in Mexico and a thorough market analysis conducted in specific South American countries, we understood that the demand for TPE in Latin America is widespread and to participate in it, we needed a strategic partner to help us achieve our growth objectives in strategic regions such as Peru, Ecuador, Chile and others. ANDERS was the right component for the Andean region, especially in Peru.

Alberto Oba | Sales and Marketing Director of KRAIBURG TPE Americas

Successful Applications  

KRAIBURG TPE and ANDERS have been successful in various market segments, including grips for sports applications, grips/seals for containers, and portable devices. Pharmaceutical packaging is also a successful market segment for both companies. The new partnership will provide consistent, high quality TPE and exemplary customer support to ensure customer satisfaction. ANDERS' resources and strong strategy in the South American region align well with KRAIBURG TPE's core values. 

KRAIBURG TPE Americas partners with ANDERS in Peru for representation in the Andean region 

ANDERS and KRAIBURG TPE have maintained a business relationship since the beginning of 2024 and have officially joined forces to represent KRAIBURG TPE locally in the Latin American market. 

With various distribution alliances in the Americas, KRAIBURG TPE maintains a specific objective for each region. When it comes to thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) and distribution, KRAIBURG TPE provides consistent compounds and support, working closely with its partners to provide the technical expertise needed to meet customers' challenges and applications.


It is a multinational distribution company based in Lima, Peru, specializing in chemicals, ingredients, consumables and equipment for industry. Founded in 1964, it has a local presence in 8 Latin American countries and employs more than 200 people. With more than 60 years of experience in the plastics industry, they offer a comprehensive portfolio of products, solutions and services to all their customers, with specialized local technical support in each country.


Joint forces of KRAIBURG TPE & ANDERS

ANDERS and KRAIBURG TPE have maintained a business relationship since the beginning of 2024 and have officially joined forces to represent KRAIBURG TPE locally in the Latin American market. This partnership aims to increase the presence of thermoplastic elastomers manufactured by KRAIBURG TPE, known for their exceptional elasticity, thermoplastic processing, flexibility and adhesion to various substrates, targeting the consumer, industrial and medical markets.

KRAIBURG TPE has over 20 years of experience, and combined with ANDERS' reach and over 60 years of expertise in the plastics industry in Latin America, they strive to provide efficient and successful customized material solutions. With ANDERS' regional knowledge and KRAIBURG TPE's technical expertise in TPE, the alliance is proving to be mutually beneficial.

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 With a significant market presence in Mexico and a thorough market analysis conducted in specific South American countries, we understood that the demand for TPE in Latin America is widespread and to participate in it, we needed a strategic partner to help us achieve our growth objectives in strategic regions such as Peru, Ecuador, Chile and others. ANDERS was the right component for the Andean region, especially in Peru. 

Alberto Oba | Sales and Marketing Director of KRAIBURG TPE Americas

Successful Applications  

KRAIBURG TPE and ANDERS have been successful in various market segments, including grips for sports applications, grips/seals for containers, and portable devices. Pharmaceutical packaging is also a successful market segment for both companies. The new partnership will provide consistent, high quality TPE and exemplary customer support to ensure customer satisfaction. ANDERS' resources and strong strategy in the South American region align well with KRAIBURG TPE's core values. 

KRAIBURG TPE auf einen Blick

  • HQ & Produktionsstätte: Waldkraiburg / Deutschland
  • Regionale HQ & Produktionsstätten: Kuala Lumpur / Malaysia, Atlanta / USA
  • Produkte: Thermoplastische Elastomer Compounds
  • Brands: THERMOLAST®, COPEC®, HIPEX®, and For Tec E®
  • Märkte: Europa, Amerika, Asien Pazifik
  • Mitarbeiter: 660

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12.08.2024 Medienpaket KRAIBURG TPE Americas partners with ANDERS in Peru for representation in the Andean region

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