TPE 成为医疗个人防护设备的优选材料
凯柏胶宝® 是优质热塑性弹性体(TPE)化合物全球领先的制造商,其热塑宝 M 化合物系列是制造医疗个人防护设备(PPE)产品的优质原材料。
尤其是当流行病盛行时,如现今爆发的新冠病毒 (Covid-19) 疫情期间,个人防护设备(PPE)成为保护医护人员安全的重要物品。
PPE 有助于防止交叉感染和病原体传播,还可能阻止源自血液、体液或呼吸道分泌物的感染。
由于医院中存在很高的病毒接触风险,因此需要以更安全的方式设计和制造的 PPE,包括一次性手术口罩和手术服、面罩、护目镜、眼镜和鞋套。PPE 必须结实耐用且穿着舒适,提供足够隔离能力,防止医护人员接触体液和呼吸道分泌物。此外,医护人员进行一线的患者护理时,工作条件通常非常严苛,PPE 必须能经得住这种环境的考验。
热塑性弹性体(TPE)等创新材料凭借其广泛的用途和耐用性,成为满足 PPE 设计和功能要求的首选原料。TPE 具有卓越的机械性能和生物兼容性,非常适合制作医疗应用中的零件密封、条带和手柄等配件。
凯柏胶宝® 是全球领先 TPE 制造商,专为各行各业提供类型多样的热塑性弹性体产品和定制解决方案,所制造的热塑宝 M 等高品质定制 TPE 化合物非常适用于医疗 PPE 应用。
由于热塑宝 M 化合物需要用于要求严格的重要领域,因此凯柏胶宝® 只在专用的医疗生产线制造该系列化合物。
这些化合物还符合德国工程师协会 (VDI) 针对医用级塑料 (MGP) 制定的 VDI 2017 准则、Reach 和 RoHS 规定以及欧盟关于医疗应用的法规第 10/2011 条。
该系列已获得美国 DMF 认证,还符合 US CFR 21 FDA(原料符合性)、ISO 10993-10(皮内刺激)、ISO 10993-4(溶血)、USP <88>(生物反应性,VI 级)、ISO 10993-11(急性全身毒性)和 ISO 10993-5(细胞毒性)的规定。
此外,凯柏胶宝® 热塑宝 M 系列的大部分化合物都可通过 121°C 或 134°C 高热蒸汽/γ-γ射线处理(2 x 35 kGy)、β 射线(电子束)处理(2 x 35 kGy)和 EtO 方法进行气体灭菌,使其非常适用于医疗领域。
除了易于灭菌特性,热塑宝 M 系列化合物还具有高弹性和表面柔软的特点。
为了符合医疗领域的要求,热塑宝 M 系列化合物不含乳胶等过敏原,避免了潜在的环境污染物,例如聚氯乙烯(PVC)、邻苯二甲酸盐和 BPA(双酚 A)。
热塑宝 M 系列中的 MC/LF 化合物可用于生产口罩、护目镜、面罩密封和杯子手柄,可有效保护用户免受病毒和细菌污染。
该系列的优点包括:硬度范围为邵氏 A 30-90,表面摩擦性低,耐磨和耐刮擦,呈半透明颜色。此外,MC/LF 系列化合物可进行注塑和挤出加工,具有与 PP 的包胶性。
此外,热塑宝 M 系列中的 MC/AD/PA 化合物还可用于制造口罩头垫和口罩密封件等附件,保护用户免受传染病的侵害。
该系列化合物可进行注塑成型加工,硬度为邵氏 A 60-70,与尼龙(如 PA6 和 PA12)具有包胶性。它的外观呈自然色,可轻松上色,呈现不同的颜色效果,适合在医疗 PPE 应用中进行颜色定制。
TPEs find a niche in medical PPEs
KRAIBURG TPE, a recognized global leader in superior thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) compounds, offers a range of THERMOLAST® M compounds for personal protective equipment (PPE) applications in the medical sector.
Given the rise of diseases like Covid-19, the role of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in protecting the healthcare workforce has never been more important.
PPEs provide protection against cross-infections and pathogenic transmissions and have the potential to block infections originating in blood, body fluids or respiratory secretions.
Due to the levels of exposure risks in hospitals, it is required that PPEs, including disposable surgical masks and gowns, face shields, goggles, glasses, and shoe covers, are safely designed and manufactured. PPEs also have to be durable, comfortable to wear, and to provide adequate barrier against contact with body fluids and respiratory secretions; plus able to withstand the rigors of patient care for healthcare workers and medical front liners.
Innovative materials such as thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) respond to the functional issues related to PPE designs, owing to their versatility and durability. The advantages of mechanical properties coupled with biocompatibility, make TPEs well-suited for medical applications in parts sealing, strips, handles, and more.
KRAIBURG TPE, a global TPE manufacturer of a wide range of thermoplastic elastomer products and custom solutions for multiple industries, offers custom-made TPE compounds, such as the high-quality custom-engineered THERMOLAST® M materials for medical PPE applications.
Medically fit compounds
Due to the use in of the compounds in a critical sector, KRAIBURG TPE’s THERMOLAST® M compounds are produced exclusively on a special medical unit.
The compounds also meet the requirements of the VDI 2017 guideline for medical-grade plastics (MGPs), issued by the Association of German Engineers (VDI), as well as the Reach and RoHS standards and Regulation (EU) No 10/2011, for use in medical applications.
The US DMF-listed compounds also conform to US CFR 21 FDA (raw material conformity), and are certified to ISO 10993-10 (Intracutaneous irritation), ISO 10993-4 (Hemolysis), USP <88> (Biological Reactivity, Class VI), ISO10993-11 (Acute systemic toxicity) and ISO 10993-5 (Cytotoxicity).
Furthermore, most KRAIBURG TPE’s THERMOLAST® M compounds are sterilizable with superheated steam of 121°C or 134°C, γ-gamma ray treatment (2 x 35 kGy), β-ray (electron beam) treatment (2 x 35 kGy) and EtO gas, making them applicable in the medical sector.
In addition to the easy sterilization properties, important features of the THERMOLAST® M compounds are their excellent elasticity and soft, flexible surface.
Targeted at the medical sector, the THERMOLAST® M compounds are free of allergens such as latex, as well as avoid potential environmental pollutants such as polyvinylchloride (PVC), phthalates, and BPA (bisphenol A).
Durability factor of compounds
The THERMOLAST® M series includes the MC/LF compounds that can be applied in breathing masks, goggles, sealing for face shields and handles of glasses to protect users against viral and bacterial contaminants.
Benefits of this series are the hardness level of 30-90 Shore A, low surface friction, abrasion and scratch resistance and the translucent color. Furthermore, the MC/LF series of compounds can be easily processed through injection molding and extrusion, with properties of adhesion to PP.
Meanwhile, the MC/AD/PA compounds in the THERMOLAST® M series are suitable for applications such as face shield head comfort pads and face mask seals that are used to protect users against infectious diseases.
Properties of the injection moldable compound are the hardness level of 60-70 Shore A, and its adhesion with nylons, such as PA6 and PA12. Available in a natural color, it is also easily colorable in effect colors, to allow for customization in medical PPE applications.
凯柏胶宝® - 快览
- 总部和生产基地:瓦尔德克赖堡/德国
- 区域总部和生产基地:吉隆坡/马来西亚,亚特兰大/美国
- 产品:热塑性弹性体化合物
- 品牌:热塑宝、科柔宝®、高温宝和尼塑宝®
- 市场:欧洲、美洲、亚太地区
- 员工:660