Publication: 12. Grudzień 2024 ktpe_newsdate_updated: 03. Marzec 2025

Exceptional Luggage Handles with THERMOLAST® R

KRAIBURG TPE's innovative TPE materials offer versatile solutions to meet the evolving demands of various industries, delivering excellent performance while enhancing the overall user experience.

KRAIBURG TPE THERMOLAST® R: Going Places with Exceptional Luggage Handles
In today's competitive luggage industry, the selection of materials for luggage handles demands a balance of performance, durability, and sustainability. Among the foremost options, the RC/PCR/AP - THERMOLAST® R series stands out with its remarkable properties, making it an exceptional choice for innovative luggage manufacturing.

Material Advantages
KRAIBURG TPE, driven by innovation, offers an extensive range of material advantages through its state-of-the-art luggage handle formulations.

  • Excellent Adhesion to Polypropylene (PP): Ensures handles stay securely attached, enhancing the overall durability of the bag.
  • Alternative to EPDM and PVC-P: Provide better grip and comfort for users, thanks to its modern, lighter and more flexible properties. 
  • Optimized Mechanical Properties: Exhibit excellent tensile strength and resistance to wear, ensuring product lifespan.
  • Non-Sticky Surface: Enhances the overall cleanliness and aesthetic appeal of the luggage handle.
  • Temperature Stability: With a temperature stability of up to 80°C, THERMOLAST® R handles can endure various climatic conditions, making them ideal for international travel with frequent temperature fluctuations.
  • Processing Method: Compatible with injection molding techniques.

KRAIBURG TPE's innovative TPE materials offer versatile solutions to meet the evolving demands of various industries, delivering excellent performance while enhancing the overall user experience.

Exceptional Luggage Handles with THERMOLAST® R

KRAIBURG TPE's innovative TPE materials offer versatile solutions to meet the evolving demands of various industries, delivering excellent performance while enhancing the overall user experience.

KRAIBURG TPE THERMOLAST® R: Going Places with Exceptional Luggage Handles
In today's competitive luggage industry, the selection of materials for luggage handles demands a balance of performance, durability, and sustainability. Among the foremost options, the RC/PCR/AP - THERMOLAST® R series stands out with its remarkable properties, making it an exceptional choice for innovative luggage manufacturing.

Material Advantages
KRAIBURG TPE, driven by innovation, offers an extensive range of material advantages through its state-of-the-art luggage handle formulations.

  • Excellent Adhesion to Polypropylene (PP): Ensures handles stay securely attached, enhancing the overall durability of the bag.
  • Alternative to EPDM and PVC-P: Provide better grip and comfort for users, thanks to its modern, lighter and more flexible properties. 
  • Optimized Mechanical Properties: Exhibit excellent tensile strength and resistance to wear, ensuring product lifespan.
  • Non-Sticky Surface: Enhances the overall cleanliness and aesthetic appeal of the luggage handle.
  • Temperature Stability: With a temperature stability of up to 80°C, THERMOLAST® R handles can endure various climatic conditions, making them ideal for international travel with frequent temperature fluctuations.
  • Processing Method: Compatible with injection molding techniques.


KRAIBURG TPE's innovative TPE materials offer versatile solutions to meet the evolving demands of various industries, delivering excellent performance while enhancing the overall user experience.


  • Founded in 2001 as an independent business unit of the KRAIBURG Group 
  • HQ & Production Site: Waldkraiburg / Germany
  • Regional HQ & Production site: Kuala Lumpur / Malaysia, Atlanta / USA
  • Products: Thermoplastic Elastomer Compounds
  • Brands: THERMOLAST®, COPEC®, HIPEX®, and For Tec E®
  • Markets: EMEA, APAC, Americas
  • Employees: 660

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12.12.2024 MEDIA PACKAGE FOR Exceptional Luggage Handles with THERMOLAST® R

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