WEB-SEMINAR - Sterilizing TPE: Possibilities and Limitations

In the following we provide you with our web-seminar as video recording free of charge

WEB-SEMINAR - Sterilizing TPE: Possibilities and Limitations


Learn about the different ways to sterilize our THERMOLAST® M compounds.

We will not only focus on the different possibilities but also on the limitations of TPS materials in the various sterilization techniques.

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Sterilizing TPE: Possibilities and Limitations

In the following we provide you with our web-seminar as video recording free of charge

View Recording

Learn about the different ways to sterilize our THERMOLAST® M compounds.

We will not only focus on the different possibilities but also on the limitations of TPS materials in the various sterilization techniques.



Missed a Webinar? No Problem!

In the following we provide you with our webinar as video recordings free of charge