WEB-SEMINAR - Automotive Interior Material Solutions

In the following we provide you with our web-seminar as video recording free of charge



TPE are already established in the interior of cars to avoid any sliding of objects or rattling noises– or just to make the interior more comfortable and luxurious. It can be predicted that with the advance of autonomous driving, this can increase by 25 % due to a higher focus on functional surfaces.

For this reason, there is TPE for every single purpose in a car. In this session interior designers, developers and material experts of the car industry will learn about the different TPE compounds and the possibilities that come with each of these – and how they will pave the way to the car of tomorrow!

Introducing our Expert:

Our expert is looking forward to meeting you virtually!

Make sure you are part of it!

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Automotive Interior Material Solutions

In the following we provide you with our web-seminar as video recording free of charge

View Recording

TPE are already established in the interior of cars to avoid any sliding of objects or rattling noises– or just to make the interior more comfortable and luxurious. It can be predicted that with the advance of autonomous driving, this can increase by 25 % due to a higher focus on functional surfaces.

For this reason, there is TPE for every single purpose in a car. In this session interior designers, developers and material experts of the car industry will learn about the different TPE compounds and the possibilities that come with each of these – and how they will pave the way to the car of tomorrow!




Missed a Webinar? No Problem!

In the following we provide you with our webinar as video recordings free of charge