WEB-SEMINAR: Regulation (EU) 10/2011 - Guideline to Migration Testing of TPS Materials

In the following we provide you with our web-seminar as video recording free of charge

WEB-SEMINAR: Regulation (EU) 10/2011 - Guideline to Migration Testing of TPS Materials

Web-Seminar Language - English


Controlled Migration TPE - Your material solution for food contact.

In order to ensure the safety of foodstuffs, high standards apply to foodstuffs as well as packaging and storage products. In the European Union, this is governed by Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011 for the plastics sub-sector. 

In recent years, KRAIBURG TPE has been intensively involved with regulations, test methods, food simulants and the development of new products for this sensitive area. 

Together with the company MDCTec Services and the Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging IVV, we have been able to obtain detailed results and extensive experience. 

We were able to summarize these results for you in a short but comprehensive web seminar. 



  • Legal requirements for plastics in contact with food
  • Limits of Regulation (EU) 10/2011 
  • Applied food simulants
  • Alternative test simulant for TPS materials
  • Material solution "Controlled Migration TPE

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