凱柏膠寶 - 全球熱塑性彈性體 (TPE) 製造商其位於馬來西亞生產基地的精選可持續TPE化合物已獲得了全球回收標準 (GRS) 的認證。
凱柏膠寶 - 全球熱塑性彈性體 (TPE) 製造商其位於馬來西亞生產基地的精選可持續TPE化合物已獲得了全球回收標準 (GRS) 的認證。此認證的可持續TPE適用於個人護理、家用電器、可穿戴設備和消費性電子應用等領域。
為了回應塑膠產業對可持續發展解決方案日益增長的需求,凱柏膠寶積極採取行動,為客戶提供可持續化合物的解決方案。 GRS 認證能證明我司精選的可持續TPE在生產過程中符合嚴格的社會和環境標準,包括使用 GRS 認證的原料以及供應鏈中的無縫可追溯性。
• 所使用的化學物質符合國際法規和標準,確保產品的安全性。
• 經第三方回收含量率驗證的可持續TPE。
• 提升整個供應鏈的透明度和責任制,並實現全面的追溯性。
• 透過從基於化石燃料轉向可持續的原材料,從而降低碳足跡。
GRS Certification
KRAIBURG TPE, the global TPE manufacturer production site in Malaysia has recently obtained the Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certification for selected thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) solutions.
Kuala Lumpur, June 2024 – KRAIBURG TPE, the global TPE manufacturer production site in Malaysia has recently obtained the Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certification for selected thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) solutions. This milestone caters to various industries including personal care, household appliances, wearables, and consumer electronics.
In response to the growing demand for more sustainable solutions in the plastics industry, KRAIBURG TPE has taken proactive steps to provide customers with alternatives. The GRS certification ensures that these alternatives meet stringent social and environmental criteria throughout the production process, including the use of GRS-certified raw materials and seamless traceability in the supply chain.
Utilizing GRS-certified recycling based TPE compounds offers numerous benefits for both customers and KRAIBURG TPE. The certification complies with international environmental and social standards. This supports sustainability initiatives and aligns with global climate targets.
The GRS certification for KRAIBURG TPE recycling based materials confirms:
- The chemicals used comply with international regulations and standards to ensure product safety.
- Externally verified recycling content.
- Complete traceability in the supply chain, enhancing transparency and accountability.
- Transition from fossil-based to more sustainable raw materials, consequently reducing the carbon footprint.
As part of its commitment to sustainability, KRAIBURG TPE will gradually increase the use of recycled materials in its products, further reducing its carbon footprint compared to its counterparts produced using virgin materials.
The company ensures that all necessary measures are taken to maintain product quality and processing equipment, ensuring a simplified transition for customers.
The GRS-certified recycling based TPE compounds are tailored to industries where the benefits of more sustainable materials are most significant, including personal care, household appliances, wearables, and consumer electronics.
KRAIBURG TPE is dedicated to supporting its partners and customers on their sustainability journey, driving an improved environmental and social impact while delivering high-quality solutions.
With the GRS certification, KRAIBURG TPE reaffirms its commitment to innovation and more sustainability, empowering customers with choices for their sustainability application. Together, we can build a more sustainable future for generations to come.
Currently, the GRS certification is valid for recycling content products produced from KRAIBURG TPE’s production site in Malaysia.
凱柏膠寶 - 快覽
- 總部與生產基地:瓦爾德克賴堡/德國
- 區域總部和生產基地:吉隆坡/馬來西亞,亞特蘭大/美國
- 產品:熱塑性彈性體化合物
- 品牌:熱塑寶、科柔寶、高溫寶和尼塑寶
- 市場:歐洲、美洲、亞太地區
- 員工:660