
Exploring TPE for Medical Applications

In the following we provide you with our web-seminar as video recording free of charge

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Thermoplastic Elastomers (TPE) are fast emerging as the choice material solution for Asia Pacific’s healthcare and medical applications. KRAIBURG TPE’s THERMOLAST® H is designed exclusively to comply with Cytotoxicity ISO 10993-5, GB/T 16886.5, as well as various global food contact and relevant medical standards.


You should join this web-seminar if you are driving healthcare and medical innovations or are involved in healthcare manufacturing and technologies.

Don’t miss out, because we’ll also be introducing our new Polar Adhesion TPE to you in this session.

Session highlights: 

  • KRAIBURG TPE & medical market overview
  • THERMOLAST® H - Asia Pacific Medical & Healthcare TPE 
  • Material advantages
  • Medical & related Food Contact Compliance standards 
  • The New Polar Adhesion TPE Portfolio
  • Application possibilities
  • Medical risk assessment form for medical & healthcare applications
  • Thermoplastic Elastomers (TPE) Processing



Missed a Webinar? No Problem!

In the following we provide you with our webinar as video recordings free of charge

WEB-SEMINAR - TPE Sterilisation: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen

11:45 AM - 12:00 PM CEST

WEB-SEMINAR - Medical closures with TPE

09:00 am - 09:15 am CEST | English


2:00 pm - 2:30 pm GMT+8 | English

网络研讨会: 探索热塑宝 H 的创新应用

11.00AM - 11.30AM (北京时间) | 中文

WEB-SEMINAR: Discover how THERMOLAST® H TPE can advance your Healthcare & Medical Applications

You should join this web-seminar if you are driving healthcare and medical innovations or are involved in healthcare manufacturing and technologies. | English | Duration 1 hour

探索凯柏胶宝®全新热塑宝 H TPE材料 如何助您提升保健与医疗设备的质量

2022 年 12 月 13 日 (星期二) 下午 3:00 - 4:00(北京时间)| 语言 - 普通话


中文会议时段:上午 11.30 点 – 中午 12.00 点(GMT+8)英文会议时段: 下午 3.00点 – 下午 3.30点(GMT+8)

Webinar: Exploring TPE for Medical Applications

What are the key topics our experts will cover: • The legal framework of TPE in the medical market • Essential aspects of the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) • Material consistency and the significance of VDI 2017 standards • THERMOLAST® M for different medical applications

WEB-SEMINAR - Sterilizing TPE: Possibilities and Limitations

10:00 AM - 10:15 AM CEST

WEB-SEMINAR - THERMOLAST® M: A Versatile Product for Pharma Packaging Applications

02:00 PM - 02:15 PM CEST