TPE 应用于医疗领域, 构筑健康未来
凯柏胶宝® 是全球知名的优质 TPE 化合物制造商,为耐用医疗设备领域提供热塑宝 M 和热塑宝 K TPE 系列化合物。
随着全球新冠肺炎病例不断增加,越来越多的人选择在家庭环境中获得医疗援助。为了帮助弱势群体满足日常活动需求,耐用医疗设备 (Durable Medical Equipment) 的使用呈持续增长趋势。
医疗设备必须可靠耐用,才能够满足医疗保健行业在安全方面的严格要求。正是出于这个原因,热塑性弹性体 (TPE) 迅速成为众多医疗应用领域的首选材料。
凯柏胶宝®是全球领先热塑性弹性体制造商,针对各行各业提供各类热塑性弹性体产品和定制解决方案,为医疗应用领域提供高品质 TPE 材料。
在选择耐用医疗设备所使用的 TPE 化合物时,主要取决于是否满足制造商或 OEM 的要求。
凯柏胶宝®提供的热塑宝 K 和热塑宝 M系列以及定制 TPE 材料,可以支持制造商满足最苛刻的产品开发需求和各种要求。
此外,这两个 TPE 产品系列均不含重金属、邻苯二甲酸盐、乳胶和 PVC。
热塑宝K和热塑宝 M可使用注塑和挤出工艺进行加工,这也是此产品系列的重要优势。凯柏胶宝®也可提供预着色的TPE材料,保持全球一直的色彩质量。
凯柏胶宝®的热塑宝 K 系列硬度范围很广,从超软(>邵氏硬度 A 10)到邵氏 D 66的硬度。此外,该系列还具有极佳的耐磨性和耐刮擦性,确保医疗设备持久耐用。
在安全方面,所选系列符合相关 FDA 联邦法规 (CFR) 第 21 章和标准欧盟 71/3 法规以及中国国标要求。例如,热塑宝 K 中的 FC/CS 系列是一种食品级化合物,具有良好的压缩形变和与 PP 和 PE 的包胶性。另外,该系列也具有柔软的表面触感,尤其适合制作拐杖、助行器和手杖的手柄和抓握装置,以及医院病床按钮、电动病人升降带、吸入机、TENS 薄膜贴片、止痛装置表面和装置密封件等。
此外,非食品级 TPE(如 VS/AD/HM 系列)与 PC、ABS、ASA、SAN 和 PA 等系列聚合物具有良好的包胶性。它的手感如丝绒般柔软,同时具有耐磨、耐刮擦和耐皮肤油脂的特性。这些优势拓展了其在医疗设备领域的应用范围,是手柄、膝内收肌垫、肢体挛缩夹板和保护器等产品的理想材料选择。
医用级 TPE 实现卓越安全性
医用级热塑宝 M 系列符合 VDI 2017 和 ISO 10993-5 标准要求,以及已列在药物主文件 (DMF) 中的要求。
凯柏胶宝®为该系列提供了医疗服务包,通过卓越的控制管理提供最佳安全性,确保最佳原材料纯度和 24 个月的供应保障。
例如,热塑宝 M 中的 MC/AD1系列化合物与 PC、ABS、PC/ABS、ASA、SAN、PET、PETG 和 PS 等极性热塑性塑料具有良好的包胶性。除了可消毒外,该化合物还具有耐磨性,提供自然的颜色选择。
Medical sector offers a healthy outlook for TPEs
KRAIBURG TPE, a recognized global manufacturer of superior TPE compounds, offers a range of its THERMOLAST® M TPE and THERMOLAST® K TPE series of compounds for applications in the durable medical equipment sector.
With escalating Covid-19 cases globally, more people are electing to have medical aid in a home environment. A growing trend in this sector is the use of durable medical equipment to assist the disadvantaged in their daily activities.
Durable medical equipment includes wheelchairs (manual and electric), hospital beds, traction equipment, canes, crutches, walkers, kidney machines, ventilators, oxygen monitors, pressure mattresses, electric patient lift and nebulizers.
Medical equipment should be reliable, durable and able to accomplish safety intendments in the medical and healthcare industry. That’s why thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) materials are fast becoming choice material for many medical applications.
KRAIBURG TPE, a global TPE manufacturer of a wide range of thermoplastic elastomer products and custom solutions for multiple industries, offers high-quality TPE materials for medical applications.
Flexibility and safety are vital factors
The selection of TPE compounds used in the durable medical equipment sector depends on the requirements of manufacturers or OEMs.
KRAIBURG TPE’s compounds allow medical equipment design engineers to have ultimate flexibility in equipment design.
KRAIBURG TPE’s THERMOLAST® K and THERMOLAST® M portfolio and custom-engineered TPE can support the manufacturer’s most demanding product development needs and requirements.
In addition, both TPE product lines are free from heavy metals, phthalates, latex and PVC.
Other benefits include the compound’s processibility through injection molding and extrusion processes. Various color options are also available with the assurance of worldwide consistent color quality.
Lasting benefits for medical equipment
KRAIBURG TPE’s THERMOLAST® K series consists of a wide hardness range from supersoft (>10 Shore A) up to 66 Shore D, and is also resistant to abrasions, and scratches, allowing for long-lasting medical equipment.
For safety, the selected series complies with the relevant FDA-Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 21, and standard EN 71/3 regulations as well as China GB standards. Examples from the THERMOLAST® K series include the FC/CS compound, a food-grade compound with good compression set and adhesion with PP and PE. The soft touch surface property makes it ideal for handle and grip applications of crutches, walkers, canes, hospital bed push buttons, electric patient lift belts, inhalation machine, membrane patch for TENS, pain reliver device surface, sealing for devices, etc.
Meanwhile, for non-food grade TPE such as VS/AD/HM series affords good adhesion with a range of polymers such as PC, ABS, ASA, SAN and PA. It is soft and velvety, abrasion and scratch resistant, as well as resistant to skin oil. These advantages make it suitable for diverse applications such as handles, knee adductor pads, limb contracture splint and protectors.
Medical-grade TPE makes the mark
The medical-grade THERMOLAST® M series meets the VDI 2017 and ISO 10993-5 standards requirements as well as listed in the Drug Master File.
This series also affords optimum safety with excellent control management in KRAIBURG TPE’s Medical Service Package, which assures optimum raw materials purity and a guaranteed 24-month supply security.
An example of the THERMOLAST® M is the MC/AD1 series that offers good adhesion with polar thermoplastics like PC, ABS, PC/ABS, ASA, SAN, PET, PETG and PS. Besides being sterilizable, the compound is abrasion resistant and is available in natural color.
The soft touch feature allows for possible applications such as seals, flexible connections, and valves for medical applications.
凯柏胶宝® - 快览
- 总部和生产基地:瓦尔德克赖堡/德国
- 区域总部和生产基地:吉隆坡/马来西亚,亚特兰大/美国
- 产品:热塑性弹性体化合物
- 品牌:热塑宝、科柔宝®、高温宝和尼塑宝®
- 市场:欧洲、美洲、亚太地区
- 员工:660