热塑宝 K 助力 Askoll 实现电动自行车和电动踏板车电动性能的创新
意大利领先的电动两轮车制造商已经指定在其不断增长的电动两轮车系列中使用热塑宝® K 制造两款新电池盒精密衬垫。总部设在杜埃维莱(意大利维琴察)的 Askoll 公司目前使用凯柏胶宝® 的热塑性弹性体材料制造电池连接器的防震双色模和电池盒防水密封垫。该材料需要能够在较小的接触面上与玻璃填充 PBT 实现稳固的直接粘附,是需要达到的主要条件之一。
而电动汽车则需要使用创新材料,通过消除恼人的环境噪音来为驾驶者带来愉悦安静的驾驶体验,并且针对双轮车上的电池盒等外部部件提供耐候性和防水性外壳。这为热塑性弹性体 (TPE) 开启了新的应用商机。
Askoll 的项目经理 Scooter Paolo Trabuio 解释说:“为了在自行车和踏板车上使用带防震盖的电池连接器以及为重新设计的电池盒保持良好的密封性,我们正在寻找一种能够在填充、机械和模塑性能之间提供适当平衡的材料。”。“凯柏胶宝® 为助力我们将概念推向市场进行了长期探索,在材料选择、设计优化、粘合测试和成型试验方面给予了我们莫大的支持。”
两种 TPE 应用都是以双组分工艺注塑而成,这就要求与电池盒所用的玻璃填充聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯 (PBT) 树脂材料具有优异的直接粘合性。此外,所选择的热塑宝® K 化合物还必须提供良好的流动性,以确保衬垫能够与下盒部件的狭窄接触面进行精准、紧密和无缝接合。另外,该化合物还具备关键的长寿命机械性能,使其能够承受车辆行驶途中电池盒受到的冲击和震动,以及在家或办公期间,避免经常拆卸免维护电池进行充电而引发的磨损。
Askoll 的电动两轮车系列包括专为市民舒适的城市出行和旅游需求而定制的几款电动踏板车和一系列电动自行车,其中包括一款外观时尚的折叠自行车。最新推出的产品包括一款适合年轻人的小型自行车和一款将于下半年面世的特殊城市运动车型。在自行车上,电池盒方便地安装在车头管的前段。在踏板车上,它位于座位下面的隔区内。模制把手便于拆卸、运输和重新安装。
凭借制造商的垂直整合和多年的电机经验,Askoll 电动两轮车的驱动单元根据车辆不同的驱动性能和里程(可达 80 公里,即 50 英里甚至以上)将无刷电机和电池组容量进行了完美匹配。行车电脑会持续监控电池状态,提供高达四个功率的电平,并在电量降至 15 % 以下时自动切换到 ECO 模式。
凯柏胶宝® 欧洲、中东和非洲地区的产品营销经理 Dirk Butschkau 说道:“自从发现这个快速崛起的市场领域对创新型解决方案的需求潜力以来,我们在热塑性弹性体技术方面做了不屑的努力,以求为电动汽车开发出可持续的降噪应用。”“Askoll 电动车和踏板车上搭载的电池盒展现了我们的材料在高效成型、功能和形式上的优势。”
Askoll 电动自行车的电池安装在前车厢,便于拆卸和充电。在凯柏胶宝® 的热塑宝® K 中模制的垫圈为用户提供了防水外壳和防震性能。(照片:© 2018 Askoll EVA)
关于 Askoll 集团
Askoll 公司的总部位于杜埃维莱(意大利维琴察),是一家为家用电器、水族馆和池塘生产高能效电机的领先制造商。集团成立于 1987 年,由位于意大利、斯洛伐克、罗马尼亚、巴西、墨西哥和中国的 11 家公司组成,已注册了 800 多项电机专利。2015 年,Askoll 进入可持续电动汽车市场,此后成为意大利电动踏板车和电动自行车的第一大制造商和经销商。Askoll 集团在全球拥有 2000 名员工,2015 年的全球营业额约为 3 亿欧元。有关详细信息,请访问 www.askollelectric.com。
Sustainable and Silent
THERMOLAST® K helps Askoll innovate the e-mobility of power-assisted bikes and electro-scooters
Italy’s leading manufacturer of electric two-wheelers has specified the use of THERMOLAST® K for two precision gasketing applications on the new battery boxes of a growing range of power-assisted bikes and electro-scooters. Askoll, based in Dueville (Vicenza, Italy) is using the thermoplastic elastomer material from KRAIBURG TPE for an anti-rattle overmolding of the battery connector and for water-tight sealing of the battery box. Key requirements to be met included reliable direct adhesion to glass-filled PBT on small contact surfaces.
E-mobility on two wheels is on the rise particularly in urban areas where commuters often spend more time stuck in rush-hour traffic and hunting for parking space than actually driving. At the same time, towns and cities worldwide are seeking effective solutions for minimizing the smog and noise produced by motorized vehicles, while consumers need fresh new approaches to help them save on fuel and maintenance costs. For all of these reasons, electric bicycles and scooters are fast becoming a logical choice for more convenient and sustainable mobility especially wherever people need to cover shorter distances, such as on everyday trips between home and work.
Electric vehicles, in turn, need innovative materials that will support their pleasantly silent travel by eliminating undesired ambient noises and – in the case of external components such as battery boxes on two-wheelers – ensure a weatherable and water-tight enclosure. This is opening attractive new application opportunities for thermoplastic elastomers (TPE).
“For the anti-rattle cover of the battery connector and the sealing of the redesigned battery box on our bikes and scooters, we were looking for a material that would provide the right balance of gasketing, mechanical and molding performance,” explains Paolo Trabuio, Project Manager Scooter, for Askoll. “KRAIBURG TPE went a long way in supporting our efforts from concept to market, with qualified assistance in material selection, design optimization, adhesion testing and molding trials.”
Both TPE applications are injection molded in a two-component process, which required excellent direct adhesion to the glass-filled polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) resin used for the battery box. In addition, the chosen THERMOLAST® K compound also had to offer good flowability to ensure a precise, tight and faultless fit of the gasket on the narrow contact surface of the lower box component. In addition, the compound lends the critical long-life mechanical properties required to withstand the shocks and vibration of the box when driving, as well as the wear and tear during frequent removal for charging the maintenance-free battery on the electric grid at home or at work.
Askoll’s portfolio of electric two-wheelers comprises several electric scooters and a range of power-assisted bicycles custom-designed for comfortable urban travel and touring, including a stylish folding bike. Latest additions include a smaller bike version for youngsters and a special Urban Sports model to be introduced later this year. On the bikes, the battery box is conveniently mounted to the front section of the head tube. On the scooter, it is located in the compartment under the seat. A molded-in handle facilitates removal, transportation and reinstallation.
Thanks to the manufacturer’s vertical integration and years of experience in electric motors, the drive units of the Askoll electric two-wheelers form a perfect match of brushless motors and battery packs with capacities tailored to various different driving performances and ranges up to 80 km (50 miles) and more. A trip computer constantly monitors the battery status, provides up to four power levels, and automatically switches to ECO mode when the charge drops below 15 percent.
“We have put a lot of development work in our TPE technology for sustainable and noise reducing applications in e-mobility since identifying the potential and need for innovative new solutions in this fast emerging market segment,” says Dirk Butschkau, Product Marketing Manager EMEA at KRAIBURG TPE. “The battery box on Askoll’s electric bikes and scooters demonstrates the advantages our materials can deliver in terms of efficient molding, function and form.”
凯柏胶宝® - 快览
- 总部和生产基地:瓦尔德克赖堡/德国
- 区域总部和生产基地:吉隆坡/马来西亚,亚特兰大/美国
- 产品:热塑性弹性体化合物
- 品牌:热塑宝、科柔宝®、高温宝和尼塑宝®
- 市场:欧洲、美洲、亚太地区
- 员工:660