凯柏胶宝® 是一家全球知名的 TPE 领军制造企业,公司生产的高品质 TPE 材料完全符合电信设备和配件应用领域的严格标准。
凯柏胶宝® 是全球领先的热塑性弹性体制造商,针对各行各业提供各类 TPE 产品和定制解决方案,公司致力于电信设备和配件应用提供高品质定制化合产品。这些 TPE 化合物具有优越的性能,可满足电信设备制造商在设计、安全性、耐用性和可持续性等方面的严格标准。
凯柏胶宝® 的材料具有出色的性能,对 PP、PC、PBT、POM、ABS、ASA/SAN、PMMA、PA 和其他塑料等聚合物具有更佳包胶性能。
此外,TPE 能够采用多组分注塑成型工艺加工,提高设计灵活性,可以增强在密封件和柔性连接器等零件的性能。
凯柏胶宝® 的化合物具有出色的耐刮擦性和耐磨性,适用范围广泛,比如外壳、手柄、开关、按钮、电缆以及设备充电器和便携式宽带设备附件等。
凯柏胶宝® 的 TPE 材料具有抗紫外线和耐候性,可耐受各种类型的天气条件,是电缆和套管等户外和半户外产品的材料首选,
凯柏胶宝® 提供的阻燃 TPE 符合 UL94 V0 标准的安全要求,该标准推荐制造商选择具有以下特点的材料:燃烧时必须具有自熄性并且不形成燃烧液滴。
凯柏胶宝® 的 TPE 阻燃系列化合物不含卤素,符合 IEC 61249-2-21 标准。阻燃化合物对 PP 具有出色的包胶性能,适合零件和配件的包覆成型以及制作密封件和电缆索环。
TPEs: the strong link in telecommunications equipment
KRAIBURG TPE, a global TPE manufacturer, offers TPE compounds that conform to the advanced specifications required in telecommunication devices and accessories applications.
Modern communication devices have revolutionized how people connect and interact with one another, may it be in their personal space or at the workplace. App-equipped handheld devices, radio frequency identification-enabled products, Internet-of-things systems, smart TVs and newer technologies have superseded transistor radios, mechanical TVs, trim-line phones and telegraphs. But even then, the first-generation communication devices relied on plastics materials for their durability, design flexibility, and resistance to heat and chemical changes.
In the current times, modern devices require a lot more than these properties as aesthetics, capabilities and functionalities have become more sophisticated. Moreover, regulations for materials have been put in place for safety issues.
KRAIBURG TPE, a global thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) manufacturer of a wide range of TPE products and custom solutions for multiple industries, offers high quality and custom-engineered compounds for telecommunication devices and accessories applications. The TPE compounds have superior properties, which meet the advanced criteria needed in the design, safety, durability and sustainability elements in the manufacture of telecommunications equipment.
Quality designs with adhesion properties
KRAIBURG TPE’s materials possess excellent properties, including having improved adhesion to polymers such as PP, PC, PBT, POM, ABS, ASA/SAN, PMMA, PA and other plastics.
Besides, TPEs are able to be processed in multi-component injection molding which provide design flexibility that could enhanced the performance of part especially on sealings, flexible connectors and other application.
The soft-touch features are a further benefit making them ideal for applications in the design elements of handheld devices such as walkie-talkies, routers, cables, device casings, and more.
Durability an important factor
KRAIBURG TPE’s compounds have excellent scratch and abrasion resistance, making them ideal for use in casings, handles, switches, buttons, cables, and other accessories for device chargers and portable broadband equipment.
The compounds are resistant to skin oil, sebum and sunscreens, making them suitable for applications like earpieces, microphones and headsets. Likewise, selected compounds exhibit chemical resistance to aqueous substances and detergents.
For outdoor and semi-outdoor applications, such as cables and casings, KRAIBURG TPE’s materials, which have UV and weathering resistance, are able to withstand various weather conditions.
Safety with flame retardancy
KRAIBURG TPE provides flame-retardant TPEs that fulfil the safety requirements in accordance to the UL94 V0 standards, which recommend that materials must be self-extinguishing in case of fire and do not form burning droplets.
KRAIBURG TPE’s flame-retardant series compounds are halogen-free and conform with the IEC 61249-2-21 standard. The flame-retardant compounds have excellent adhesion to PP, making them suitable for overmolding in parts and accessories and for use in seals and cable grommets.
凯柏胶宝® - 快览
- 总部和生产基地:瓦尔德克赖堡/德国
- 区域总部和生产基地:吉隆坡/马来西亚,亚特兰大/美国
- 产品:热塑性弹性体化合物
- 品牌:热塑宝、科柔宝®、高温宝和尼塑宝®
- 市场:欧洲、美洲、亚太地区
- 员工:660