出版物: 2021 年 9 月 27 日 最近更新時間: 2025 年 3 月 6 日


凯柏胶宝®为亚太医疗保健和医疗设备市场推出全新热塑宝 H 材料

作为全球知名热塑性弹性体(TPE)制造商,凯柏胶宝®宣布推出全新热塑宝 H 产品线以及该产品线的首个子系列 - HC/AP 系列。 

热塑宝 H HC/AP 系列针对亚太医疗保健和医疗设备市场设计,为客户提供符合 ISO 10993-5、GB/T 16886.5 和其他相关医疗标准的高品质材料解决方案。 

亚太区总监 Joachim Mühlmeyer 博士强调:“热塑宝 H 是凯柏胶宝®专为亚太地区医疗设备制造商所打造的全新产品系列。此产品系列结合了创新性的材料解决方案并由我们亚洲最高标准的生产线所生产。这创新的材料解决方案能符合亚太客户在医疗保健应用、技术支持和工艺优势方面的要求。”



热塑宝 H HC/AP 系列的硬度范围为 30 到 90 邵氏 A,不含 PVC、乳胶、硅胶和动物成分。  该系列符合ISO 10993-5、GB/T 16886.5 等相关医疗标准。此外,还符合中国国标(GB) GB4806、FDA-联邦法规 (CFR)第 21 条以及欧盟 10/2011 法规等全球食品接触材料标准。此外,它还符合 RoHS 和 REACH 标准,可使用 121°C 高压灭菌器、EtO 进行灭菌。

该系列具有优异的特性,包括 PP 包胶、理想的触感和良好的压缩形变,因此适用于封口、柔性连接器、牙套、密封件、垫圈、医用管等应用;同时也适用于需要柔软触感的产品,例如把手、开关和垫子。

该系列化合物可通过注射成型和挤出工艺进行加工。 TPE 提供半透明颜色,可在出厂前通过我们的专业能力提供多种预着色的颜色选项。

“热塑宝H系列产品具备较高价值,值得客户信赖。凭借对TPE产品市场的了解,以及所具备的专业知识,凯柏胶宝®非常有信心为客户提供符合医疗标准的材料解决方案。”Lee Jia Yin,Product Specialist。



公司将在马来西亚的高度自动化工厂中生产在热塑宝 H HC/AP 系列化合物,所有高纯度原材料均来自严格把控的生产过程。

“热塑宝H系列产品专为亚太地区客户打造,符合亚太医疗设备市场要求。位于马来西亚的生产基地更是我们为亚太客户提供快速交货、技术支持、及定制化产品方案等服务的保证。”Aditya Purandare,Project Manager Market Launch THERMOLAST® H Asia Pacific


全面了解热塑宝 H 

欢迎参与凯柏胶宝®即将举行的热塑宝 H 网络研讨会。了解我们的创新 TPE 化合物如何为您提供服务 。


new THERMOLAST® H for Asia Pacific

KRAIBURG TPE to launch new THERMOLAST® H exclusively for Asia Pacific healthcare and medical device market

KRAIBURG TPE, the global competence thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) manufacturer has announced the launch of its new THERMOLAST® H product line and the line’s first HC/AP series.


Designed exclusively for the Asia Pacific healthcare and medical device markets, the THERMOLAST® H HC/AP series provides high-quality material solution, which complies with ISO 10993-5, GB/T 16886.5, and other relevant medical standards.


"THERMOLAST® H is KRAIBURG TPE's new product line designed particularly for Asia Pacific medical equipment manufacturers. THERMOLAST® H combines the innovativeness of KRAIBURG TPE for material solutions with the highest production standards of our manufacturing plant in Asia,” emphasized Dr. Joachim Mühlmeyer, Director Asia Pacific.

“In this way, we particularly meet the requirements of our customers that focus on healthcare applications, technical support, and process advantages throughout Asia Pacific.”


Diverse material advantages

The THERMOLAST® H HC/AP series is available in the hardness range from 30 to 90 Shore A.  It is free from PVC, latex, silicone, and animal ingredients.  The series complies with ISO 10993-5, GB/T 16886.5, and other relevant medical standards. It also meets global food regulatory standards such as China GuoBiao (GB) GB4806, FDA-Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 21, and EU10/2011. Moreover, it complies with RoSH and REACH standards, and is sterilizable with autoclave 121°C, EtO.


The series’ excellent properties, including adhesion to PP, haptics, and compression set, make it suitable for applications such as closures, flexible connections, mouthpieces, seals, gaskets, medical tubing, and more; as well as for applications that require soft-touch quality, such as grips, switches, and mats.

Additionally, these series compounds can be processed by injection molding and extrusion.  Available in translucent colors, the TPEs allow for versatile pre-coloration options with KRAIBURG TPE’s in-house pre-coloration expertise.  


“Customers are assured of the THERMOLAST® H product value. We are confident of delivering material solutions that meet Asia Pacific’s medical standards - thanks to our dedicated market support and expert knowledge in TPE products,” explains Lee Jia Yin, Product Specialist.


Faster lead times, support, and product customization

The THERMOLAST® H HC/AP series compounds will be manufactured at the Company’s highly automated production facility in Malaysia and using high-purity raw materials that are produced under strictly controlled production processes.  

“Manufacturing THERMOLAST® H, the exclusively designed TPE for the Asia Pacific medical device market requirements in Malaysia will benefit our Asian customers with a high-quality product with quick lead times, application and technical support as well as product customization,” explains Aditya Purandare, Project Manager Market Launch THERMOLAST® H Asia Pacific


Up-close with THERMOLAST® H

Make a date with KRAIBURG TPE's upcoming THERMOLAST® H web-seminar. Discover how you can benefit from these innovative TPE compounds. 

凯柏胶宝® - 快览

  • 总部和生产基地:瓦尔德克赖堡/德国
  • 区域总部和生产基地:吉隆坡/马来西亚,亚特兰大/美国
  • 产品:热塑性弹性体化合物
  • 品牌:热塑宝、科柔宝®、高温宝和尼塑宝®
  • 市场:欧洲、美洲、亚太地区
  • 员工:660



27.09.2021 媒体包 凯柏胶宝®为亚太医疗保健和医疗设备市场推出全新热塑宝 H 材料



Bridget Ngang

Juliane Schmidhuber

Mirna Pina

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