WEB-SEMINAR: Universal PCR TPE – multitalented & sustainable

In the following we provide you with our web-seminar as video recording free of charge

WEB-SEMINAR: Universal PCR TPE – multitalented & sustainable


The plastics world is currently experiencing a surge in sustainability values - faster, higher, greener is what the desired material is expected to be. But quality is an issue that must not fall by the wayside. The most sustainable solution is the one that can continue to be used for a long time. This saves time, energy and resources and scores points with the consumers.

This is exactly where KRAIBURG TPE has started with its latest product: specially developed for consumer and industrial applications, the latest compounds contain up to 40 % post-consumer recyclate (PCR). In accordance with ISO 14021, this involves the use of material that can no longer be used for its intended purpose by end consumers in households and industry.



  • What does post-consumer recycled TPE mean?
  • Product performance of the new Universal PCR TPE
  • Availability and supply reliability
  • Markets and application examples

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