WEB-SEMINAR - NEXT GENERATION Supersoft TPE | 网络研讨会 - 下一代超软 TPE

In the following we provide you with our web-seminar as video recording free of charge

| Web-Seminar Language - Mandarin 

WEB-SEMINAR - NEXT GENERATION Supersoft TPE | 网络研讨会 - 下一代超软 TPE



Applications such as orthotics, bicycle equipment and closures in the cosmetics sector demand reliable, high-quality and extremely soft TPEs. The continuously high demand for solutions for such application areas wants to be served optimally - which is why KRAIBURG TPE has developed a new, improved range of very soft materials. In order to be close to customer requirements as well as to the end product at all times, KRAIBURG TPE is now introducing NEXT GENERATION Supersoft TPE.

Customers benefit from an established product that has been optimized on the basis of experience, feedback and customer requirements. Our web seminar is aimed in particular at industry and material experts, as well as product designers from the consumer, health and personal care and packaging sectors, who would like to learn more about the wide range of possibilities and solutions offered by TPE, as well as custom-engineered TPE, by KRAIBURG TPE.


该材料开发技术成熟,并根据实际应用经验、应用反馈和客户要求进行了全面优化。本次网络研讨会将面向行业从业者、材料专家、健康和个人护理行业从业者、消费者、以及包装产品设计师等,介绍凯柏胶宝®的定制 TPE 解决方案,与客户探索实际应用中的更多可能性。


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NEXT GENERATION Supersoft TPE | 网络研讨会 - 下一代超软 TPE

In the following we provide you with our web-seminar as video recording free of charge

View Recording

Applications such as orthotics, bicycle equipment and closures in the cosmetics sector demand reliable, high-quality and extremely soft TPEs. The continuously high demand for solutions for such application areas wants to be served optimally - which is why KRAIBURG TPE has developed a new, improved range of very soft materials. In order to be close to customer requirements as well as to the end product at all times, KRAIBURG TPE is now introducing NEXT GENERATION Supersoft TPE.

Customers benefit from an established product that has been optimized on the basis of experience, feedback and customer requirements. Our web seminar is aimed in particular at industry and material experts, as well as product designers from the consumer, health and personal care and packaging sectors, who would like to learn more about the wide range of possibilities and solutions offered by TPE, as well as custom-engineered TPE, by KRAIBURG TPE.


该材料开发技术成熟,并根据实际应用经验、应用反馈和客户要求进行了全面优化。本次网络研讨会将面向行业从业者、材料专家、健康和个人护理行业从业者、消费者、以及包装产品设计师等,介绍凯柏胶宝®的定制 TPE 解决方案,与客户探索实际应用中的更多可能性。


Missed a Webinar? No Problem!

In the following we provide you with our webinar as video recordings free of charge

WEB-SEMINAR - TPE for Tools Application

1:30 pm - 1:45 pm GMT+8 | English

WEB-SEMINAR - TPE Innovations for coffee-Making | 网络研讨会 - 适用于冲泡咖啡用具的创新TPE

10:00 am - 10:15 am GMT+8 | Mandarin

WEB-SEMINAR - TPE Innovations in Sports | 网络研讨会 - 适用于体育应用的创新TPE

11:00 am - 11:15 am GMT+8 | Mandarin

WEB-SEMINAR - TPE Innovations in Cosmetics | 网络研讨会 - 适用于化妆品应用的创新TPE

12:00 pm - 12:15 pm GMT+8 | Mandarin

WEB-SEMINAR - TPE in Food Packaging

1:30 pm - 1:45 pm GMT+8 | English


2:30 pm - 2:45 pm GMT+8 | English

WEB-SEMINAR - Make it Light! Lightweight TPE for Consumer Applications

Attendees of this session will receive a summary of our Lightweight TPE for consumer applications in market areas such as Sports and Leisure, Consumer Care, Household Articles, and Packaging. | English | 15 Minutes

WEB-SEMINAR: Universal PCR TPE – multitalented & sustainable

Specially developed for consumer and industrial applications, the latest compounds contain up to 40 % post-consumer recyclate (PCR)| English | Duration 15 Minutes

WEB-SEMINAR: Regulation (EU) 10/2011 - Guideline to Migration Testing of TPS Materials

Together with the company MDCTec Services and the Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging IVV, we have been able to obtain detailed results and extensive experience. | English | Duration 15 Minutes

WEB-SEMINAR: High Resistance TPE for Cosmetics

KRAIBURG TPE has a material specially for water-resistant cosmetic products that delivers what it promises: High Resistance TPE for Cosmetics is safe and reliably resistant over the long term. | English | Duration 20 Minutes