Glossary In the KRAIBURG TPE sustainability glossary typical technical terms around sustainable plastics/TPE are explained in a simple and understandable way. Send B Bio-based plastics C Carbon Dioxide Equivalent Carbon Disclosure Project Carbon footprint Carbon Offsetting Circular Economy Climate Management CO2 equivalent Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive D Design for Sustainability E Eco-design Ecovadis Environmental Social and Governance EU-Taxonomie G GHG Emissions GHG Protocol Global Reporting Initiative Global Warming Potential Greenwashing I In-Process Recyclability IntegrityNext International Sustainability and Carbon PLUS Certification - ISCC PLUS ISO 14001 ISO 50001 ISO 9001 L Life Cycle Assessment Lost Time Injury P Post-Consumer Material Post-Consumer Recyclate Post-Industrial Material Post-Industrial Recyclate Product Carbon Footprint R Recycled content Recycling Reuse S Science Based Targets Scope 1 Scope 2 Scope 3 Sustainability U UN Global Compact