WEB-SEMINAR - KRAIBURG TPE and their uses in Automotive Applications

Thu, Oct 15, 2020 04:00 PM - 04:45 PM CEST

WEB-SEMINAR - KRAIBURG TPE and their uses in Automotive Applications

Thu, Oct 15, 2020 04:00 PM - 04:45 PM CEST


KRAIBURG TPE has successfully developed numerous materials for the automotive sector that are vital to the industry. Our automotive portfolio is specifically designed to meet the highest requirements for the interior, exterior, and under the hood applications. If needed, our materials can be modified to meet unique manufacturer specifications. For many years we have been collaborating with OEMs and suppliers on materials developed for applications ranging from niche small volume programs to globally approved programs.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Introducing our Speaker:

Four exciting and informative days all about TPE: Our expert is looking forward to meeting you virtually!

Make sure you are part of it!

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KRAIBURG TPE and their uses in Automotive Applications

In the following we provide you with our web-seminar as video recording free of charge

View Recording

KRAIBURG TPE has successfully developed numerous materials for the automotive sector that are vital to the industry. Our automotive portfolio is specifically designed to meet the highest requirements for the interior, exterior, and under the hood applications. If needed, our materials can be modified to meet unique manufacturer specifications. For many years we have been collaborating with OEMs and suppliers on materials developed for applications ranging from niche small volume programs to globally approved programs.



Missed a Webinar? No Problem!

In the following we provide you with our webinar as video recordings free of charge