出版物: 2021 年 5 月 3 日 最近更新時間: 2025 年 3 月 6 日

推出食品包装安全级别的 TPE 材料

凯柏胶宝®是全球知名 TPE 材料制造商,提供类型丰富的热塑性弹性体产品和定制 TPE 解决方案。凯柏胶宝®的热塑宝 K FC/CM1 和 FC/CS 系列,已达到食品包装和食品容器方面的安全标准与设计要求。

食物浪费对全球的经济、社会和生态造成了巨大损失。粮食及农业组织(FAO)的报告显示,全球每年食物浪费造成的经济影响约为 1 万亿美元,每年给环境造成的损失高达 7,000 亿美元。



凯柏胶宝® 是全球知名的 TPE 制造商,生产的 TPE 材料具有多种特性,非常适合用于食品包装应用。这些 TPE 材料符合国际标准,例如欧盟第 10/2011 号指令、美国食品药品管理局(FDA)联邦法规(CFR)第 21 章和中国国标(GB 4806:2016)。 

符合各国包装标准的 TPE 材料  

凯柏胶宝® 的热塑宝 K FC/CM1 和 FC/CS 系列具有广泛的硬度范围,可满足食品包装和食品容器应用的多样化要求。该 TPE 系列材料是刚性和柔性包装的理想选择,可满足不同包装应用对硬度的要求。


最重要的是,凯柏胶宝®的 TPE 材料为不含卤素(符合 IEC 61249-2-21 标准),可进行回收利用,让制造商能够实现高成本效益的生产。   

FC/CM1 系列具有低成分迁移潜力

热塑宝 K FC/CM1 系列具有低成分迁移潜力,尤其适合作为接触脂肪和油性食品的包装材料。 

这种 TPE 材料具有卓越的感官特征,确保食物和饮品在接触容器的同时可以保持其原有的味道。热塑宝 K FC/CM1 系列具有对 PP 的出色包胶性,触感柔软,适合制作挤压瓶、杯盖、密封件、阀门和其他食品包装解决方案。 

FC/CS 系列材料实现柔软触感 

热塑宝 K FC/CS 系列材料触感柔软,可提高食品容器的安全性和舒适性。适用于制作运动水壶和便携式杯子的表面、杯盖、阀门和密封件。这些TPE材料还具备理想的压缩永久变形能力,对 PP 和 PE 具有出色的包胶性。FC/CS 系列材料在高温下具有出色的压缩永久变形性,适用于可用微波炉加热的容器和包装产品,并且使用此系列材料制作的容器可用洗碗机清洗。  

TPEs make the grade for safe food packaging

KRAIBURG TPE, a global TPE manufacturer of a wide range of thermoplastic elastomer products and custom-engineered TPE solutions offers the THERMOLAST® K FC/CM1 and FC/CS series that meet the safety and design criteria for food packaging and containers.

Food waste poses a global economic, social and ecological loss. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reported that the economic impact of food waste is about US$1 trillion a year and costs the environment US$700 billion a year.  

The good news is food waste can be prevented with the right packaging design. Latest packaging innovations are providing more solutions to food and material safety.

Food-safe thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) are now widely used in the food packaging industry. They protect the contents from biological and chemical contaminants, as well as prolong shelf-life of food products, and making them safe for consumption.

KRAIBURG TPE, a global TPE manufacturer offers TPE compounds with properties suited for food packaging application. The TPEs comply with international standards such as the EU Directive No. 10/2011, the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 21, and the China GuoBiao (GB 4806: 2016).

TPEs up to par with packaging standards  

KRAIBURG TPE’s THERMOLAST® K FC/CM1 and FC/CS series offers a wide hardness range to meet varying requirements for food packaging and food container applications. The TPE series is ideal for rigid and flexible packaging to cater to the different hardness requirements of packaging.

Both series are available in a translucent color with various precoloration options for manufacturers and designers to create visually appealing packaging.

Most importantly, the KRAIBURG TPE compounds are halogen-free (according to the IEC 61249-2-21 standard) and adaptable for in-process recycling, enabling manufacturers to maintain a cost-effective production.  

Low migration potential with FC/CM1 series

The THERMOLAST® K FC/CM1 series, with its low migration potential, is the material of choice for fatty and oily food contact applications.

This TPE compound has an excellent organoleptic property that helps in maintaining the taste of food and beverages, even when in contact with the containers. With excellent adhesion to PP and soft-touch features, the THERMOLAST® K FC/CM1 series is suitable for squeeze bottles, closures, seals, valves and other food packaging solutions.

Soft-touch with FC/CS series

The THERMOLAST® K FC/CS series’ soft touch features also promote safety as well as comfort in handling in food containers. They are applicable for surfaces, closures, valves and seals for sport bottles and portable mugs. The compounds also offer an optimized compression set with excellent adhesion to PP and PE. The FC/CS series has excellent compression set at higher temperatures, which is suitable to be applied on microwavable containers and packaging as well as dishwasher-safe containers.

凯柏胶宝® - 快览

  • 总部和生产基地:瓦尔德克赖堡/德国
  • 区域总部和生产基地:吉隆坡/马来西亚,亚特兰大/美国
  • 产品:热塑性弹性体化合物
  • 品牌:热塑宝、科柔宝®、高温宝和尼塑宝®
  • 市场:欧洲、美洲、亚太地区
  • 员工:660



03.05.2021 媒体包 推出食品包装安全级别的 TPE 材料



Bridget Ngang

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