出版物: 2020 年 2 月 10 日 最近更新時間: 2025 年 3 月 10 日

TPE 助力工业工具和设备发展

凯柏胶宝® 为工业工具和设备制造应用提供优质 TPE 化合物


作为一家全球性 TPE 制造商,凯柏胶宝® 致力于为不同行业提供多元化的热塑性弹性体产品和定制解决方案,为不同的工业工具和设备应用提供高质量的定制工程化合物,帮助客户增强其产品功能和设计,符合不同的行业需求。



热塑宝 K AD/PA 系列对 PA(包括 PA6 和 PA6.6)和高达 50% 的玻璃纤维增强的PA具有极佳包胶性,为相关应用提供了理想的材料解决方案。这种化合物可用于嵌件成型工艺。

该系列具有抗紫外线性能,表面触感柔软。该 TPE 系列已获得 UL 94 HB 认证,硬度范围较宽(邵氏 A硬度 25 到 80),是多种应用的理想选择,包括电缆夹、功能和设计元件、索环、手动工具和电动工具的手柄、密封件和指轮、手动电钻手柄和螺丝固定器、前照灯密封件等。



For Tec E® AD/PAX/CR 系列符合在皮肤油脂、防晒霜、橄榄油和丙酮方面的耐受性要求。  该系列对聚酰胺 PA12、PA6 和 PA6.6 以及聚芳基酰胺具有出色的包胶性。该系列化合物同样获得 UL 94 HB 认证,适用于电子应用中的双组份密封以及机床的轻触式夹具和手柄,包括电子外壳的衰减器、连接器、电动工具的手柄和外壳的密封件等。


可靠性、耐用性和可持续性是凯柏胶宝® 引以为豪的核心竞争力。公司为客户提供了类型多样的服务包,例如帮助客户适应市场需求的定制 TPE。公司拥有专业的内部团队,随时准备在 TPE 生产的不同环节为客户提供支持。  凯柏胶宝® 全力以赴成就卓越性能和非凡创造力。

TPE puts power in industrial tooling and equipment

KRAIBURG TPE offers TPE compounds for industrial tooling and equipment applications 

The highly competitive and capital-intensive industries including automotive, construction, aerospace, consumer goods, and energy continue to expand along with the rising urbanization and emerging global markets.  To stay competitive, industry players rely on maintaining output quality and efficient output capacity with the right tooling and equipment, notwithstanding the need to meet the stringent safety criteria for these heavily regulated industries.

KRAIBURG TPE, a global TPE manufacturer of a wide range of thermoplastic elastomer products and custom solutions for multiple industries, offers high quality and custom-engineered compounds for a range of industrial tooling and equipment applications to enhance their functionality and design,  and to help manufacturers comply with various industrial demands.

Excellent adhesion, soft touch

The THERMOLAST® K AD/PA series is the material solution for applications with excellent adhesion to PA, including PA6 and PA6.6 up to 50% glass fiber. Insert molding process is possible for this compound.

The series renders UV resistance, as well as soft-touch surface. Additionally, the TPE series is UL 94 HB listed possesses a wide hardness range, from 25 Shore A to 80 Shore A, making its compounds suitable for a broad range of applications including cable clips, function and design elements, grommets, handles for hand tools and power tools, seals and thumb wheels; as well as in hand drill handle and screw holder, headlamp seal, and many more.

Oil and chemicals resistance

The For Tec E® AD/PAX/CR series meets the requirement for resistance to skin oils, sunscreen, olive oil and acetone.  It has outstanding adhesion properties to polyamides lie PA12, PA6 and PA6.6 and polyarylamides. Likewise UL 94 HB listed, these compounds are the material solution for two-component-seals in electronic applications and soft-touch grips and handles of machine tools, including attenuators for electronic housings, connectors, handles on power tools, seals for housings.

A formula of capability

KRAIBURG TPE builds on its core competencies for reliability, durability and sustainability. Its customers can opt for a range of service package such as customization of TPEs to suit their market needs. Its specialized in-house teams are ready to provide support throughout the entire process of the TPE production.  At KRAIBURG TPE, competence and creativity go hand in hand.

凯柏胶宝® - 快览

  • 总部和生产基地:瓦尔德克赖堡/德国
  • 区域总部和生产基地:吉隆坡/马来西亚,亚特兰大/美国
  • 产品:热塑性弹性体化合物
  • 品牌:热塑宝、科柔宝®、高温宝和尼塑宝®
  • 市场:欧洲、美洲、亚太地区
  • 员工:660



10.02.2020 媒体包 凯柏胶宝® 为工业工具和设备制造应用提供优质 TPE 化合物



Bridget Ngang

Juliane Schmidhuber

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