出版物: 2019 年 8 月 6 日 最近更新時間: 2025 年 3 月 10 日


凯柏胶宝® TPE材料为化妆品和护肤品提供理想的包装材料

随着越来越来多的化妆品包装厂商开始重视包装材料的可持续性,凯柏胶宝® 的热塑性TPE材料(例如热塑宝 K 系列)以其出色的美观、功能和可持续性受到了众多化妆品企业的青睐。



凯柏胶宝® 是全球领先 TPE 制造商,针对各行各业提供各类热塑性弹性体产品和定制解决方案,公司致力于提供以可变比例的可再生原料制成定制设计的高品质TPE材料。

凯柏胶宝® 大力投入开发客户定制和特定应用的生物基TPE材料,从而满足对环保和可持续热塑性弹性体日益增长的需求。凭借与客户的紧密沟通及可靠的原料供应商网络,公司充分展现了在定制设计解决方案上的核心竞争力。


化妆品的包材将显著提升产品的质感。在竞争激烈的化妆品和护肤品市场,包材的作用至关重要,许多化妆品和护肤品都要利用包装上吸睛的设计和绝佳的质感来创造持久优良的消费者体验。睫毛膏、唇膏、精华/安瓶、BB 霜、护发素、化妆刷等,都是其中的典型范例。

凯柏胶宝® 的热塑性产品系列(例如热塑宝系列)可满足此类包材对丝滑和绒面柔软触感的要求,同时也能出色耐受化妆品中的化学物质。

凯柏胶宝® 的TPE材料具有高安全性、多功能性和可回收特性,符合严格的国际食品接触安全材料标准和政策,包括欧盟 No 10/2011 法规和食品与药品管理局 FDA 法规、加利福尼亚州第 65 号提案和法规、欧共体法规 (EC) No 1223/2009 以及 REACH 和 RoHS 规定。

凯柏胶宝® 可根据客户需要对化合物进行定制化着色,以最经济优化的方式满足客户的颜色需求,同时确保全球一致的色彩质量。

此外,我们的热塑性特性体可使用如 PP、PE、PA、PBT、PC、PETG、SAN 和 ABS 等各种热塑性材料,进行多组分注塑成型加工,并具有对最常见极性和非极性热塑性材料的粘合性。

Cosmetics and skin care packaging

KRAIBURG TPE compounds cater to cosmetics and skin care packaging

With more and more cosmetic packaging companies focusing on sustainability for their packaging, KRAIBURG TPE’s thermoplastic compounds, like the THERMOLAST® K compound, are sought after by cosmetics companies for modern packaging that meets the requirements for aesthetics, function and sustainability.

In recent years, consumer spending on cosmetics and personal care products has increased, owing to the build-up of the focus on appearance enhancement as intrinsic to self-care. Beyond their purpose as beauty aids, today’s cosmetics formulations depict how the beauty industry has advanced to include sustainability in its manufacturing agenda.

The growing demand for renewably sourced, cruelty-free tested cosmetics among environmentally aware consumers has triggered innovation in the design and technology of packaging to complement the manufacturers’ sustainability brand. Thus, user and environmentally friendly packaging is starting to impact the overall growth of the sustainable cosmetics market.

KRAIBURG TPE, a global TPE manufacturer of a wide range of thermoplastic elastomer products and custom solutions for multiple industries, offers high quality and custom-engineered compounds containing variable proportions of renewable raw materials.

By developing customer-specific and application-specific bio-based compounds, KRAIBURG TPE aims to meet the growing demand for environmentally friendly and sustainable thermoplastic elastomers. In close contact with its customers and with a reliable network of raw materials suppliers, the company is benefiting from its core competence in custom-engineered solutions.

Packaging with a luxury feel

Cosmetics packaging adds to the quality of products. In a highly competitive cosmetics and skin care market, the role of packaging in this aspect is pivotal, particularly to cosmetics and skin care packaging that creates a long-lasting consumer experience using a design that appeals to the eyes and to the touch. E.g; packaging for mascara, lipstick, serum/ampoule, BB cream, haircare, make up brushes etc.

KRAIBURG TPE’s thermoplastic elastomers range, such as the THERMOLAST® compound, match the requirements for a silky and velvety soft-touch surface feeling, which is also resistant to cosmetics chemicals.

We have taken into account the established market requirements such as Regulation (EU) No 10/2011, FDA – Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 21, California Proposition 65 and Regulation, (EC) No 1223/2009 as well as the REACH and RoHS directives.  

KRAIBURG TPE offers comprehensive solutions that enable customization of compound colorization, according to a desired color, and in the most economical and optimal way possible; at the same time assuring the customer a globally consistent color quality.

As well, the thermoplastic elastomers can be processed by multi-component injection molding with a wide range of thermoplastic materials such as PP, PE, PA, PBT, PC, PETG, SAN and ABS; and exhibit adhesion to most common polar and non-polar thermoplastics.

凯柏胶宝® - 快览

  • 总部和生产基地:瓦尔德克赖堡/德国
  • 区域总部和生产基地:吉隆坡/马来西亚,亚特兰大/美国
  • 产品:热塑性弹性体化合物
  • 品牌:热塑宝、科柔宝®、高温宝和尼塑宝®
  • 市场:欧洲、美洲、亚太地区
  • 员工:660



06.08.2019 媒体包 化妆品和护肤品的TPE包装材料



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