法国注塑生产商 CORADIN 的产品开发人员选用凯柏胶宝®生产的具有化学品耐受性且触感柔软的热塑性弹性体,重新定义了液体化妆品的配料和制备方式。斩获多个奖项的 ECODIS® 专利产品的底座中采用了 TPE 制成的可活动配料元件,方便用户轻松挤压出干净的护理产品。
可持续化妆品市场正在蓬勃发展,越来越多的消费者也开始期望包装环保,节约资源。CORADIN 的创新产品 ECODIS® 专为环保而造,旨在最大限度减少塑料使用并同时实现最佳的功能性。
CORADIN 一直希望找到一款触感柔软的材料,用于制造安装于瓶身底座上的可活动配料元件,这种材料应具有舒适、柔软的触感,对化妆品成分(如维生素 C)具有优异的抵抗性能,且能够使用经济高效的多组件注塑工艺与聚丙烯(PP)一起加工,而无需添加额外的粘合剂。
“对几种化合物进行多次测试后,一款热塑宝材料展现出了我们分配器所需的最佳特性,” CORADIN 的副总裁兼总经理 Florence Bidamant 说道。“凯柏胶宝®专家深厚的专业技术知识和市场知识令我们印象深刻,从我们第一次咨询注塑测试到批量生产,他们一直为我们提供了有力的支持。”
分配器只是 CORADIN 和凯柏胶宝®密切合作的多个应用项目的其中之一。ECODIS® 2in1 是一款便于使用的圆柱形分配器,其内部含有一个额外的储液腔,可以装入另一款化妆品液体或粉末。稍微挤压底座中的可活动配料元件,即可穿透储液腔,使内容物与容器中的主要内容物混合。再次挤压,即可挤出已配制好的化妆品,涂抹于皮肤上。
通过这种方式,精华、乳液、粉底、美白产品、抗皱面霜、美容护理液和抗衰老产品等液体护肤及护发产品可以即用即制备,保障新鲜。根据最终产品的粘度,可提供 0.2 至 3.0 mm 的出液开口附件。ECODIS® 2in1 的专利“调配工艺”已获得了多个奖项。
CORADIN 面向欧洲及北美各地的客户供应 10 ML、15 ML 以及 30 ML 容量的分配器,其中不乏多家知名的化妆品制造商。用于配料元件的 TPE 化合物可以轻松染色,以满足客户不同的设计和产品特有的配色。
“创新包装需要把创新材料与吸睛的设计、方便使用的功能性、经济高效的制造工艺以及环保可持续性结合起来,”凯柏胶宝®欧洲、中东和非洲地区销售与营销总监 Michael Pollmann 说道。“很高兴我们的TPE材料帮助 ECODIS® 和 ECODIS® 2in1 在市场中取得了成功。这一领域的应用展现出了我们对开发用于精密化妆品包装的定制热塑性弹性体的热切关注。”
Simply squeeze and mix
KRAIBURG TPE supplies compound for innovative cosmetics dispenser
With a chemically resistant and soft-touch thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) made by KRAIBURG TPE, the product developers at CORADIN, a French injection molder, have redefined the way liquid cosmetics are dosed and prepared. The flexible dosing element made of TPE, which is integrated into the base of the patented ECODIS® and has won several awards, allows comfortable and clean application of care products.
The sustainable cosmetics market is growing, with more and more consumers also expecting the packaging to be eco-friendly and save resources. CORADIN's innovative ECODIS® is manufactured in the respect of the environment and its design aims to minimize the weight of the plastics used while achieving maximum functionality.
CORADIN was looking for a soft-touch material for the flexible dosing element fitting into the base of the dispenser – a material ensuring both a pleasant soft touch and high resistance to cosmetic ingredients such as vitamin C, and capable of being processed together with polypropylene (PP) utilizing cost-effective, multi-component injection molding without a need for additional bonding agents.
“During extensive testing of several compounds, a specific THERMOLAST® material showed the optimum characteristics required for our sophisticated dispenser,” says Florence Bidamant, Associate, General Manager & CCMO of CORADIN. “We were also impressed by the technical expertise and market knowledge of KRAIBURG TPE’s specialists, who provided excellent support from our first inquiry about injection molding trials to series production.”
The dispenser is one of several application projects that have benefited from the close collaboration between CORADIN and KRAIBURG TPE. The ECODIS® 2in1 is a convenient-to-use, cylindrical dispenser version that contains an additional cartridge inside to accommodate a second cosmetic liquid or powder. Slightly squeezing the flexible dosing element in the base perforates the cartridge to enable the content to mix with the main component in the container. Squeezing again then applies the ready-to-use care formula to the skin.
In this way, liquid skin and hair care products such as emulsions, lotions, make-up foundation, skin-lightening products, anti-wrinkle creams, beauty treatments, and regenerative products can be freshly made immediately before they are applied. Attachments with outlet openings of 0.2 to 3.0 mm are available depending on the viscosity of the final product. The patented “mixology” of the ECODIS® 2in1 has already won several awards.
CORADIN supplies dispensers with capacities of 10, 15 and 30 mL for customers all over Europe and North America, including several well-known cosmetics manufacturers. The TPE compound for the dosing element can be easily colored to support the user’s brand design or product-specific color coding.
“Innovative packaging requires innovative materials to combine sales-enhancing design with consumer-friendly functionality, cost-effective manufacture, and environmentally appropriate sustainability,” says Michael Pollmann, Director Sales and Marketing EMEA at KRAIBURG TPE. “We are pleased that the ECODIS® Dispenser and ECODIS® 2in1 have been a marketing success with our compound. The application underlines our strong focus on developing customized thermoplastic elastomers for sophisticated cosmetics packaging.”
凯柏胶宝® - 快览
- 总部和生产基地:瓦尔德克赖堡/德国
- 区域总部和生产基地:吉隆坡/马来西亚,亚特兰大/美国
- 产品:热塑性弹性体化合物
- 品牌:热塑宝、科柔宝®、高温宝和尼塑宝®
- 市场:欧洲、美洲、亚太地区
- 员工:660