Publication: 11. Tháng 10 2021 Last updated: 12. Tháng 6 2024

THERMOLAST® H TPEs designed for syringe gasket applications

TPEs designed for syringe gasket applications in Asia Pacific region only

The trend of usage of TPEs is gaining momentum in the global market. This is highly likely to fuel the demand of TPEs and market growth of medical elastomers in the coming years.

The THERMOLAST® H HC/AP series from KRAIBURG TPE is tailored to suit syringe gasket applications, due to its high degree of purity and since it is free from PVC, silicone, latex, and animal ingredients. The compound series is also easier to process, in comparison to other materials.

The unique HC/AP series compounds, developed specifically for the Asia Pacific market, are a high-quality material solution for syringe gaskets. One of the benefits is that the material has good sealing properties, thus avoiding syringe leakage during usage. 

Furthermore, the elasticity feature of the compounds ensures there is no back flow against the side of the syringe, thereby allowing for accurate dosage administration.

In addition, the series of compounds have good chemical resistance and are cytotoxic free. The materials have passed cytotoxicity tests in line with ISO 10993-5 and GB/T 16886.5, and are certified in accordance to other approvals and standards, such as China GB 4806 – 2016, US FDA CFR 21, Regulation (EU) No 10/2011, REACH, and RoHS.

The translucent compounds can be colored to provide a variety of chromatic effects, depending on the needs of the customer. Moreover, the HC/AP series has a wide range of hardness from 30-90 Shore A; as well as optimized processability. 


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11.10.2021 gói phương tiện truyền thông cho THERMOLAST® H TPEs designed for syringe gasket applications

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Juliane Schmidhuber

Mirna Pina

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