WEB-SEMINAR - TPE for Tools Application 

In the following we provide you with our web-seminar as video recording free of charge | Web-Seminar Language - English

WEB-SEMINAR - TPE for Tools Application 



TPE is increasingly being used in the tools and power tools sector. Whether for haptic reasons (handle overmolding), as a damper to minimize vibrations or as a seal - the areas of application are growing steadily because the material has proven itself over a long period of time.

In this 15-minute session, listeners will learn how their product can also benefit from the advantages, also to generate added value. 

Introducing our Expert:

Our expert is looking forward to meeting you virtually!

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*Champ obligatoire


TPE for Tools Application 

In the following we provide you with our web-seminar as video recording free of charge

View Recording

TPE is increasingly being used in the tools and power tools sector. Whether for haptic reasons (handle overmolding), as a damper to minimize vibrations or as a seal - the areas of application are growing steadily because the material has proven itself over a long period of time.

In this 15-minute session, listeners will learn how their product can also benefit from the advantages, also to generate added value. 




Missed a Webinar? No Problem!

In the following we provide you with our webinar as video recordings free of charge